🌱 I’m currently learning mobile apps development using flutter , automation , webScraping and other programming languages
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
⚡ Fun fact :- Thier is no country named Israel .
🌱 I’m currently learning mobile apps development using flutter , automation , webScraping and other programming languages
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
⚡ Fun fact :- Thier is no country named Israel .
Data analytics project FCIS(6th semester)
Jupyter Notebook 4
🌱💧 watering the soil automatically using soil moisture sensor (arduino uno).
C++ 2
Google maps scraper without using any tools
Jupyter Notebook 2
Forked from Ahmed-Naserelden/Courier-Management-System
courier management system (software engineering -6th semester(3rd year) FCIS)
C# 1
This repo provides the Dart & Flutter tasks & problems solutions for the ITI flutter 60 hours training (training Starting date: 27-8-2023).
Dart 1
A complete web app for Second-hand-goods-selling and buying platform .