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Grounded Compositional Generalization Research

This repository contains code and links to datasets for Compositional Generalization research at the Aalto Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning Research Group (Aalto AI).

Compositional Generalization via Induced Model Sparsity (NAACL-SRW 2022)

This work demonstrates a model that promotes sparse interactions between words and disentangled factors and lead to better compositional generalization performance at a low number of samples on a simple goal-reaching task.


If you wish to refer to this work, please cite it as follows:

    title = "Compositional Generalization in Grounded Language Learning via Induced Model Sparsity",
    author = "Spilsbury, Sam  and
      Ilin, Alexander",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies: Student Research Workshop",
    month = jul,
    year = "2022",
    address = "Hybrid: Seattle, Washington + Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    pages = "143--155",

Setting up and dependencies

The main dependencies can be found in the requirements.txt file and can be installed with pip. You will also need to install babyai from this commit.

Generating the Dataset

The dataset we use for the paper in HDF5 can be found here.

The data is procedurally generated using the process described in Appendix B. We collect 10,000 demonstrations of each trajectory, then split them into in-distribution and out-of-distribution goals.

To generate examples with the bot over many threads, use:

python scripts/generation/babyai/ --help
usage: [-h]
                                [--n-trajectories-per-goal N_TRAJECTORIES_PER_GOAL]
                                [--min-trajectory-length MIN_TRAJECTORY_LENGTH]
                                [--seeds-and-solutions-buffer SEEDS_AND_SOLUTIONS_BUFFER]
                                [--env ENV] [--n-goals N_GOALS]
                                [--n-procs N_PROCS]

positional arguments:
  output                Where to store the resulting bot trajectories

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --n-trajectories-per-goal N_TRAJECTORIES_PER_GOAL
  --min-trajectory-length MIN_TRAJECTORY_LENGTH
  --seeds-and-solutions-buffer SEEDS_AND_SOLUTIONS_BUFFER
  --env ENV             Name of environment to use
  --n-goals N_GOALS     Number of unique goals in this environment
  --n-procs N_PROCS

For example, our invocation looks something like:

python scripts/generation/babyai/ --n-trajectories-per-goal 10000 --min-trajectory-length 7 --seeds-and-solutions-buffer --env BabyAI-GoToLocal-v0 --n-goals 36 --n-procs 8

This will generate the seeds, solve each trajectory and then replay the solutions to get the observations. Note that this process can use quite a bit of memory, since it writes everything to a pickle file at the end.

Once the bot trajectories are generated you'll want to split them into training and OOD validation sets, then pad them so that they can be used with pytorch. This pads them so that each trajectory is the length of the longest trajectory. Do the padding with:

python scripts/generation/babyai/ --help 

usage: [-h] --bot-trajectories BOT_TRAJECTORIES output

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --bot-trajectories BOT_TRAJECTORIES

If you want to convert the pickle into something a little more portable, you can use the scripts/generation/babyai/ script. This converts the pickle file into an hdf5 file.

python scripts/generation/babyai/ --help 
usage: [-h] pickle_file hdf5_file

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit


The key contributions of the work (and their corresponding locations):

  • A form of factored attention (operating over factored representations) plus sparsity penalty (Section 4.1)
    • Factored embedding models/interaction/independent_attention:IndependentAttentionModel:forward. This uses the provided attrib_offsets to index into a single embedding, partitioned by the offsets into embeddings for each factor. Note that there is a separate channel for each of the factor embeddings - they are not concatenated together.
    • Factored attention models/interaction/independent_attention:IndependentAttentionModel:forward. Attention between the words and each cell in the observation state is computed over every factor separately, then multiplied together (using exp-sum-log). See equation (1) in the paper.
    • Sparsity penalty between outer product of word embedding space and attribute embedding space models/discriminator/independent_attention:IndependentAttentionProjectionHarness:training_step. This is computed as logged as l1c and added to the loss from the original harness training step.
  • Discriminator training method to learn to find goals in unlabelled observations (Section 4.2).
    • The "Masking Module" is found in models/img_mask:ImageComponentsToMask
    • The training step for the discriminator is found in models/discriminator/harness:ImageDiscriminatorHarness. Here both $\mathcal{L}{\text{img}}$ and $\mathcal{L}{\text{int}}$ are computed.
    • The sampling and dataloading procedure are found in datasets/discriminator:DiscriminatorDataset. Here the sampling procedure described in Appendix D is implemented.
  • Planning Module
    • MVProp network models/vin/mvprop:MVProp2D
    • Q-value convolutional net models/vin/resnet_value:BigConvolutionValueMapExtractor
    • Conservative Q Learning-like penalty models/vin/harness:VINHarness.training_step


The baselines used in the paper for the sample efficiency test can be found in models/imitation

Name Module Description
FiLM/GRU baseline Encode the instruction with LSTM and FiLM-modulate convolutional processing of observations, with global spatial max pooling
Transformer transformer Encode the instruction using a position-encoded transformer encoder, decode the image using cross-attention between encoded instruction and 2D-position image, predicting the policy from a final CLS token

Ablations of our model

In the paper the following ablation of the model is reported:

Name Experiment Name Description
MVProp/CNN vin_sample_nogoal_16_logsumexp_k_0:mvprop Do not perform any value iteration steps, instead immediately concatenate the result of the interaction network to the observation and regress Q-values from there

Other ablations not reported in the paper but available in the code:

Name Experiment Name Description
MVProp/Transformer vin_sample_nogoal_16_logsumexp_ignorance_transformer:mvprop Use pre-trained Transformers (from the discriminator) to detect goals as opposed to the sparse factored attention

Running the training process

There are three different things to train in order to reproduce the results in the paper.

For all three training script, logging happens to tensorboard files in the directory given by --experiment / --model. You can run tensorboard in that directory to see the results as the training is running. We also use the tensorboard log files later on for analysis.

Training the imitation learning baselines

python scripts/train/ --help
usage: [-h] --data DATA --exp-name EXP_NAME --seed SEED
                          [--model {film_lstm_policy,conv_transformer,sentence_encoder_image_decoder,fused_inputs_next_step_encoder,fused_inputs_autoregressive_transformer}]
                          [--limit LIMIT] [--vlimit VLIMIT] [--tlimit TLIMIT]
                          [--total TOTAL] [--iterations ITERATIONS]
                          [--n-eval-procs N_EVAL_PROCS]
                          [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE]
                          [--check-val-every CHECK_VAL_EVERY]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --data DATA
  --exp-name EXP_NAME
  --seed SEED
  --model {film_lstm_policy,conv_transformer,sentence_encoder_image_decoder,fused_inputs_next_step_encoder,fused_inputs_autoregressive_transformer}
  --limit LIMIT
  --vlimit VLIMIT
  --tlimit TLIMIT
  --total TOTAL         Total number of instances per task
  --iterations ITERATIONS
  --n-eval-procs N_EVAL_PROCS
                        Number of processes to run evaluation with
  --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
                        Batch size for training
  --check-val-every CHECK_VAL_EVERY
                        Check val every N steps

The main thing that changes here is --model. The available models are:

Name Module Description
FiLM/GRU film_lstm_policy LSTM/FiLM
Transformer sentence_encoder_image_decoder Transformer Encoder-Decoder (sometimes referred to as pure_transformer)
Next-step Encoder Transformer fused_inputs_next_step_encoder Transformer Encoder-only model (not used in the paper)
Autoregressive Encoder Transformer fused_inputs_next_step_encoder Transformer Encoder-only model which predicts all future steps from single frame (not used in the paper)

For the paper we used the following invocation:

python scripts/train/ --exp-name imitation --model $MODEL  --limit $LIMIT --vlimit 20 --tlimit 40 --iterations 120000 --data $DATA_PATH --seed $SEED

Training the different discriminators

python scripts/train/ --help
usage: [-h] --data DATA --exp-name EXP_NAME --seed SEED
                              [--model {film,transformer,independent,independent_noreg,simple,simple_noreg}]
                              [--limit LIMIT] [--vlimit VLIMIT]
                              [--tlimit TLIMIT] [--iterations ITERATIONS]
                              [--total TOTAL] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE]
                              [--check-val-every CHECK_VAL_EVERY]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --data DATA
  --exp-name EXP_NAME
  --seed SEED
  --model {film,transformer,independent,independent_noreg,simple,simple_noreg}
  --limit LIMIT         Training set limit (per task)
  --vlimit VLIMIT       Validation set limit (per task)
  --tlimit TLIMIT       Test set limit (per task)
  --iterations ITERATIONS
  --total TOTAL         Total number of instances per task
  --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
                        Batch size for training
  --check-val-every CHECK_VAL_EVERY
                        Check val every N steps

The main thing that changes here is --model. The available models are:

Name Module Description
Transformer transformer Transformer Encoder-Decoder
Sparse Factored Attention independent Our "Factored Attention" model with sparsity
Factored Attention independent_noreg Our "Factored Attention" model without sparsity
Sparse Attention simple Non-factored attention where the input factor embeddings are concatenated together and projected into the word embedding space, with sparsity

For the paper we used the following invocation:

python scripts/train/ --exp-name discriminator_sample_nogoal_16_logsumexp --model $MODEL  --limit $LIMIT --vlimit 20 --tlimit 40 --iterations $ITERATIONS --data $DATA_PATH --seed $SEED --batch-size 1024

Training the MVProp module with the discriminator

python scripts/train/ --help 
usage: [-h] --data DATA --exp-name EXP_NAME --seed SEED
                    [--model {mvprop}] [--limit LIMIT] [--vlimit VLIMIT]
                    [--tlimit TLIMIT] [--total TOTAL]
                    [--iterations ITERATIONS] [--n-eval-procs N_EVAL_PROCS]
                    [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE]
                    [--check-val-every CHECK_VAL_EVERY]
                    [--interaction-model {independent,transformer}]
                    [--load-interaction-model LOAD_INTERACTION_MODEL]
                    [--vin-k VIN_K] [--device DEVICE] [--show-progress]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --data DATA
  --exp-name EXP_NAME
  --seed SEED
  --model {mvprop}
  --limit LIMIT
  --vlimit VLIMIT
  --tlimit TLIMIT
  --total TOTAL         Total number of instances per task
  --iterations ITERATIONS
  --n-eval-procs N_EVAL_PROCS
                        Number of processes to run evaluation with
  --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
                        Batch size for training
  --check-val-every CHECK_VAL_EVERY
                        Check val every N steps
  --interaction-model {independent,transformer}
                        Which interaction module to use
  --load-interaction-model LOAD_INTERACTION_MODEL
                        Path to an interaction model to load
  --vin-k VIN_K         Number of VIN iterations
  --device DEVICE       Which device to use
  --show-progress       Show the progress bar

The main thing that changes here is --interaction-model. The available models are:

Name Module Description
Transformer transformer Transformer Encoder-Decoder
Sparse Factored Attention independent Our "Factored Attention" model with sparsity

The appropriate value of --vin-k depends on the size of the observation space. You should set it so that it is possible for a value from one end of the observation to propgate to the other end if necessary, so that state-values can be correctly estimated. Since the kernel size for value propagation is 3, you can use $\frac{\sqrt{H^2 + W^2}}{2} + 1$.

When training this model, you can load a pre-trained interaction model used for goal-detection with --load-interaction-model and specifying a path to the saved weights.

For the paper we used the following invocation:


python scripts/ --exp-name vin_sample_nogoal_16_logsumexp_ignorance_${INTERACTION_MODEL_NAME} --model $MODEL  --limit $LIMIT --vlimit 20 --tlimit 40 --iterations $ITERATIONS --data $DATA_PATH --seed $SEED --interaction-model ${INTERACTION_MODEL_NAME} --load-interaction-model $BASE_MODEL

Postprocessing the results

Once the experimental runs are in, you should postprocess the checkpoints to prune out optimizer information.

Use the script for that.

python scripts/postprocessing/ --help 
usage: [-h] [--dry-run] [--pattern PATTERN] directory

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --pattern PATTERN

This converts all the checkpoints in a directory (recursively) such that the optimizer information is removed.

Analyzing the data and generating the plots

Model checkpoints and logs we generated by training on our GPU cluster can be found here

Now that you have the checkpoints, its time to do the analysis and reproduce the results in the paper!

Sample efficiency curves - Figure 3

These are generated using the rliable package. First we need to extract the sample efficiency information from the logs:

python scripts/analysis/babyai/ --help
usage: [-h]
                                          [--limits [LIMITS [LIMITS ...]]]
                                          [--check-experiments [CHECK_EXPERIMENTS [CHECK_EXPERIMENTS ...]]]
                                          [--n-procs N_PROCS]
                                          logs_dir models_dir output_file

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --limits [LIMITS [LIMITS ...]]
  --check-experiments [CHECK_EXPERIMENTS [CHECK_EXPERIMENTS ...]]
                        Experiments in the format
  --check-models        Whether to check if the models exist
  --n-procs N_PROCS

You can do this over multiple processes in order to speed it up a bit. The script only needs the logs directory and models directory. An example invocation might be:

python scripts/analysis/babyai/ $LOGS_PATH $MODELS_PATH sample_efficiency_curves.json

Then to plot the curves (what you see in the figure) you can use

python scripts/analysis/babyai/ sample_efficiency_curves.json id.pdf ood.pdf

This creates two files containing the in-distribution and out-of-distribution curves, respectively.

Predictions from the interaction models - Figure 4a

First we need to extract the predictions:

python scripts/analysis/babyai/ --help
usage: [-h] [--models [MODELS [MODELS ...]]]
                                    [--limits [LIMITS [LIMITS ...]]]
                                    [--experiment EXPERIMENT]
                                    [--train-index TRAIN_INDEX]
                                    [--valid-index VALID_INDEX]
                                    dataset logs_dir models_dir output_json

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --models [MODELS [MODELS ...]]
  --limits [LIMITS [LIMITS ...]]
  --experiment EXPERIMENT
  --train-index TRAIN_INDEX
  --valid-index VALID_INDEX

The main arugments to pay attention to here are --train-index and --valid-index as they specify which sample in the dataset should be used for the visualization.

An example invocation might be:

python scripts/analysis/babyai/ $DATASET_PATH $LOGS_PATH $MODELS_PATH sample_predictions.json --train-index 0 --valid-index 3

Once that's done you can plot the predictions.

python scripts/analysis/babyai/ sample_predictions.json sample_predictions.pdf

Internal correlations - Figure 4b

First we need to extract the embedding dot products

python scripts/analysis/babyai/ --help
usage: [-h] [--experiment EXPERIMENT]
                                        [--models [MODELS [MODELS ...]]]
                                        [--limits [LIMITS [LIMITS ...]]]
                                        logs_dir models_dir output_json

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --experiment EXPERIMENT
  --models [MODELS [MODELS ...]]
  --limits [LIMITS [LIMITS ...]]

An example invocation might be:

python scripts/analysis/babyai/ $LOGS_PATH $MODELS_PATH internal_correlations.json

Once that's done you can plot them:

python scripts/analysis/babyai/ internal_correlations.json internal_correlations.pdf


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