To the reviewer,
Thank you for taking the time to review our submission!
This zip file contains the code used to generate the results in the main paper.
- pytorch, pytorch-lightning, numpy. pandas, faiss
- You can find exact requirements in
In a virtual environment, run python develop
You will need to generate the data first. To do that, use the
script. You
will need a copy of the gSCAN compositional splits.
Invoke it like this:
python scripts/
--gscan-dataset path/to/compositional_splits/dataset.txt
--output-directory data/baseline
--generate-mode baseline
python scripts/
--gscan-dataset path/to/compositional_splits/dataset.txt
--output-directory data/metalearn
--generate-mode metalearn
There are a few different --generate-mode
: No-metalearning, to be used
: Metalearning with oracle instructions and actions, same as Heuristic in the paper.metalearn_random_instructions_same_layout_allow_any
: Metalearning with oracle instructions and actions, but all valid instructions are generated and then selected randomly to form the supports. Same as Random Instructions in the paper.metalearn_find_matching_instruction_demos_allow_any
: Meta-learning with heuristic generated instructions and actions for a query, but each support input is solved in some state found in the training data for that input, same as Other States
We have our own implementation of Generate-and-Retrieve (Zemlyanski et al 2022.).
Dependencies are faiss
, torch
and numpy
To generate data using this method, you can use the following script:
python \ --training-data path/to/baseline/data \
--dictionary path/to/baseline/data/dictionary.pb \
--device cuda \
--batch-size 128 \
--data-output-directory path/to/gandr/output \ --load-transformer-model transformer_weights.pb \ --load-state-autoencoder-transformer state_autoencoder.pb \ --save-state-encodings path/to/cached/state/encodings \
--hidden-size 32 \
--seed 3 \
--transformer-iterations 150000 \
--only-splits train
Note that unlike in the paper, this code can also include compressed
state information in the index. We found that this has not worked
very well, so we omitted it from the paper, as it was not a
good baseline. To include the state information, use --include-state
Once the data generation is complete, the generated examples
and their supports with GandR goes into /path/to/gandr/output
This is available as a mode in the
python scripts/
--gscan-dataset path/to/compositional_splits/dataset.txt
--output-directory data/metalearn
--generate-mode retrieve_similar_state
This will generate the inner-product search index for finding similar examples automatically.
To generate data similar to DemoGen, there are a few steps to be follows.
First, you need to train a regular encoder-decoder Transformer on the gSCAN baseline data. We used seed 5
python scripts/ \
--train-demonstrations data/baseline \
--valid-demonstrations-directory data/baseline \
--dictionary data/baseline/dictionary.pb \
--seed 5 \
--train-batch-size 128 \
--iterations 300000 \
--version 100 \
After that, you can run the data generation process to learn both the Masked Language Model and generate the support sets using the transformer.
python \
--data-directory path/to/gscan/baseline/data \
--seed 0 \
--batch-size 64 \
--device cuda \
--data-output-directory gen_gscan \
gscan \
--save-mlm-model gscan_mlm.pb \
--mlm-train-iterations 100000 \
--save-clip-model gscan_clip.pb \
--clip-train-iterations 100000 \
--load-transformer-model path/to/saved/transformer/checkpoint.ckpt
The saved data will go into gen_gscan
, from which you
can use it for --train-demonstrations
and --valid-demonstrations
To train the meta-learning models, use something like:
python scripts/ \
--train-demonstrations data/metalearn/train.pb \
--valid-demonstrations data/metalearn/valid \
--dictionary data/baseline/dictionary.pb \
--seed 0
--train-batch-size 32 \
--valid-batch-size 32 \
--batch-size-mult 4 \
--iterations 100 \
--version 100 \
The scripts
are from older versions
of this work. They are left in the repository for historical interest purposes, but aren't used to
produce the final results.
To train the baseline models, use something like:
python scripts/ \
--train-demonstrations data/baseline/train.pb \
--valid-demonstrations data/baseline/valid \
--dictionary data/baseline/dictionary.pb \
--seed 0
--train-batch-size 32 \
--valid-batch-size 32 \
--batch-size-mult 4 \
--iterations 100 \
--version 100 \
# RoFormer
python scripts/ \
--train-demonstrations data/baseline/train.pb \
--valid-demonstrations data/baseline/valid \
--dictionary data/baseline/dictionary.pb \
--seed 0
--train-batch-size 32 \
--valid-batch-size 32 \
--batch-size-mult 4 \
--iterations 100 \
--version 100 \
# Universal Transformer
python scripts/ \
--train-demonstrations data/baseline/train.pb \
--valid-demonstrations data/baseline/valid \
--dictionary data/baseline/dictionary.pb \
--seed 0
--train-batch-size 32 \
--valid-batch-size 32 \
--batch-size-mult 4 \
--iterations 100 \
--version 100 \
You might want to use a large --batch-size-mult
to get large effective batch sizes like in the paper.
Logs (both tensorboard and csv logs) are automatic and go to logs/gscan_s_{seed}_m_{model_name}_it_{iterations}_b_{effective_batch_size}_d_{dataset_name}_t_{tag}_drop_{dropout}/{model_name}_l_{layers}_h_{heads}_d_{embed_dim}/{dataset_name}/{seed}/lightning_logs/version_{version}
Also included in this repository is an image-based gSCAN (where the environment is rendered as an image and we
use a vision-transformer inspired ViLBERT). To train that, use
. You can also
specify different patch sizes and downsample rates (defaults are 12 and 5, respectively - 12 covers
a 12x12 cell after downsampling from 60x60 by 5x).
python scripts/ \
--train-demonstrations data/baseline/train.pb \
--valid-demonstrations data/baseline/valid \
--dictionary data/baseline/dictionary.pb \
--seed 0
--train-batch-size 32 \
--valid-batch-size 32 \
--batch-size-mult 4 \
--patch-size 12 \
--image-downsample 5 \
--iterations 100 \
--version 100 \
python scripts/ \
--train-demonstrations data/baseline/train.pb \
--valid-demonstrations data/baseline/valid \
--dictionary data/baseline/dictionary.pb \
--seed 0
--train-batch-size 32 \
--valid-batch-size 32 \
--batch-size-mult 4 \
--patch-size 12 \
--image-downsample 5 \
--iterations 100 \
--version 100 \
python scripts/ \
--train-demonstrations data/baseline/train.pb \
--valid-demonstrations data/baseline/valid \
--dictionary data/baseline/dictionary.pb \
--seed 0
--train-batch-size 32 \
--valid-batch-size 32 \
--batch-size-mult 4 \
--patch-size 12 \
--image-downsample 5 \
--iterations 100 \
--version 100 \
Assuming that you run over seeds 0 through 9
then you can run the
script on your logs
dir with --logs-dir logs
. This will open all the
logs, exclude the worst seeds and generate the tables.
python scripts/ \
--logs-dir /path/to/logs --filter-expression ".*(meta_gscan|transformer_.*encoder_only_decode_actions).*" \
--dataset gscan \
--config-columns baseline_transformer coverage_retreival gandr_coverage i2g_seq2seq_big_transformer \
--column-labels "Transformer" "CovR" "GandR" "DemoGen" \
--drop-bad-seeds 0 \
--result-smoothing 10
To reproduce Table 1 in the main paper (showing the properties of the generated demonstrations), you can run the following script:
python scripts/ \
--datasets i2g_seq2seq_model_score gandr metalearn_find_matching_instruction_demos_allow_any metalearn_allow_any metalearn_random_instructions_same_layout_allow_any \
--data-directory /path/to/data \
--splits a b c d e f g h
This will spend a while loading the datasets and performing the analysis, then print the one table per gSCAN split to the stdout.
To reproduce the number of matches up to a given permutation discussed in Section 3.2, you can use the following script
python scripts/ \
--dictionary /path/to/dictionary.pb \
--valid-demonstrations-directory /path/to/data/directory
To reproduce Figure 3 (DemoGen performance vs number of examples), you can run the following script
python scripts/analyze_metalearn_performance_curves \
--dictionary /path/to/dictionary.pb \
--data-directory /path/to/data/directory
--transformer-checkpoint /path/to/demogen/checkpoint.ckpt
To reproduce Table 6 (DemoGen performance vs omitting certain examples), you can run the following script
python scripts/analyze_metalearn_demos_effect \
--dictionary /path/to/dictionary.pb \
--data-directory /path/to/data/directory
--transformer-checkpoint /path/to/demogen/checkpoint.ckpt
To plot the nearest neighbours, use the following:
python scripts/ \
--gscan-dataset /path/to/gscan/dataset.txt \
--output-directory output/directory
The result will be plotted in output/directory/decay_nn.pdf
To reproduce Table 2 in the main paper, you can run the following script:
python \
--data-directory path/to/demonstrations \
--dictionary path/to/demonstrations/dictionary.pb
The script will evaluate all of the generated instructions using an oracle function with access to the gSCAN environment and compare the generated actions with the oracle actions to determine their correctness.
To generate this figure, use the following script:
python \
--dataset-name name_of_dataset \
--data-directory path/to/demonstrations \
--dictionary path/to/demonstrations/dictionary.pb \
--img-output-directory path/to/imgs \
--split SPLIT \
--index INDEX
This generates both the PDF for the environment layout and also the tikz code used to display one example and its corresponding supports (along with their relevance, validity and correctness).
This can all be found in the
script. To run this you will need a
trained meta-seq2seq model and transformer model.
python scripts/
--compositional-splits path/to/gscan/compositional_splits/dataset.txt
--metalearn-data-directory data/metalearn
--baseline-data-directory data/baseline
--meta-seq2seq-checkpoint path/to/metaseq2seq.ckpt
--transformer-checkpoint path/to/transformer.ckpt
The plots, comparison_edit_distance_mistakes.pdf
, num_pulls_vs_edit_distance.pdf
and pulls_vs_edit_distance_violinplot.pdf
get saved in the current directory.
python scripts/ \
--toplevel-data-directory /path/to/gscan/original/data \
--dataset-filename-pattern .*compositional_splits.txt \
--write-sentences sentences.json
python scripts/ \
--api-key YOUR_API_KEY \
--sentence-list-input sentences.json \
--responses-list-output responses.json \
--mode paraphrase_all \
--prompt simple
We also provide the data to download the generated responses for each dataset directly:
python scripts/
--dataset /path/to/original/gscan/dataset.txt
--paraphrases-outputs responses.json
--dataset-output paraphrased-dataset.txt
A copy of the paraphrqased gSCAN dataset we generated can be found here
To compute the Zipf
python scripts/
--original-dataset-path /path/to/original/gscan/dataset.txt
--paraphrased-dataset-path paraphrased-dataset.txt
--dataset-name gscan
--output-directory OUTPUT_DIR