Execute scripts on IMAP mailbox changes (new/deleted/updated messages) using IDLE.
"host": "",
"port": ,
"tls": true,
"tlsOptions": { "rejectUnauthorized": false },
"username": "",
"password": "",
"onNotify": "/usr/bin/mbsync test-%s",
"onNotifyPost": {"mail": "/usr/bin/notmuch new && notify-send 'New mail arrived'"},
[string]: shell command to run on any event
[object]: shell commands to run on for each type of event
keys: "mail" for new mail, "update" for existing messages updates, "expunge" for messages deletions
[string]: shell command to run after onNotify event
[object]: shell commands to run after onNotify for each type of event
keys: "mail" for new mail, "update" for existing messages updates, "expunge" for messages deletions
onSIGNAL: a command to run when `SIGNAL` is received.
onSIGNALpost: a command to run after onSINGAL
"onSIGTERM": "/usr/bin/mbsync -a",
"onSIGTERMpost": "echo 'Bye-Bye'"
Since we load the config file with require(), we can get away with any nodejs module instead of just json. This allows us to be more flexible with the configuration.
In particular, you one can use it to load password from a script rather than having to store it in plain text.
Important: config-module must be requirable
(in your $NODE_PATH or
given by an absolute path)
Using the latest (>0.12) version of nodejs, one can write myconfig.js as follows. Assuming the script ~/getpass.sh prints out your password. (execSync is a v0.12 feature)
var child_process = require('child_process');
function getStdout(cmd) {
var stdout = child_process.execSync(cmd);
return stdout.toString().trim();
exports.host = "<host>"
exports.port = <port>;
exports.tls = true;
exports.tlsOptions = { "rejectUnauthorized": false };
exports.username = "<user>";
exports.password = getStdout("~/getpass.sh");
exports.onNotify = "<sync command>"
exports.onNotifyPost = "<command>"
exports.boxes = [ "box1", "box2", "some/other/box" ];
Then you can use
$ imapnotify -c ~/.config/imap_notify/myconfig.js
Thanks Matthew, for pointing that out!
in onNotify
and onNotifyPost
is replaced by the box name.
symbol (slash) is replaced by -
symbol (minus) so that
becomes inbox-junk
IMAPAccount example
Host imap.example.com
User [email protected]
Pass secret
UseIMAPS yes
IMAPStore example-remote
Account example
MaildirStore example-local
Path ~/Maildir/mail/example/
Inbox ~/Maildir/mail/example/Inbox
Flatten .
Channel example-inbox
Master :example-remote:INBOX
Slave :example-local:INBOX
Channel example-github
Master :example-remote:github
Slave :example-local:github
Channel example-lists-vim-announce
Master :example-remote:lists/vim-announce
Slave :example-local:lists/vim-announce
npm install -g imapnotify
archlinux aur package:
yaourt -S nodejs-imapnotify
(bonus: systemd.service file)
imapnotify -c /path/to/config