I created this project during my studies. It's purpose is to generate exercises for students in different difficulties and with solution aids.
The current implementation represents the RSA task type.
Deployed Demo Deployed Software-Dokumentation
Used technologies:
- Vite
- React
- Bootstrap
- Typescript
cd src
npm install
cd frontend
npm install
cd src/frontend
npm run dev
cd src/frontend
npm run build
In src/frontend/main.tsx we specify the basename, which is the path to the folder where the index.html is located. If you want to use the application in a subfolder, you have to change this path.
The documentation is generated with typedoc.
cd src
npx typedoc .
The output at docs/docs is automatically deployed to github pages.
The frontend is automatically deployed to github pages. Just copy the content of the dist folder to the docs folder.
(This README was generated with ❤️ by readme-md-generator)