Merged pull requests
- create test for Trajectory.save_list/load_list #523 (earney)
- add Dockerfile #522 (earney)
- Add fps_source option for #404 #516 (Gloin1313)
- Minor Modifications #515 (gpantelis)
- #485 followup #514 (Gloin1313)
- Correcting text #510 (gpantelis)
- Add aspect_ratio @Property to VideoClip #503 (scherroman)
- Fix for cleaning up os calls through Popen #501 (gyglim)
- add test for ffmpeg_parse_info #498 (earney)
- add scipy for py2.7 on travis-ci #497 (earney)
- add file_to_subtitles test #496 (earney)
- add a subtitle test #495 (earney)
- add afterimage example #491 (earney)
- add doc example to tests #490 (earney)
- Allow resizing frames in ffmpeg when reading #489 (gyglim)
- Fix class name in AudioClip doc strings #488 (withpower)
- convert POpen stderr.read to communicate #487 (earney)
- add tests for find_video_period #486 (earney)
- refer to MoviePy as library (was: module) #484 (kerstin)
- include requirements file for docs #483 (kerstin)
- add test for issue 354; duration not set #478 (earney)
- Issue 470, reading past audio file EOF #476 (earney)
- Issue 285, error adding durations (int and None). #472 (earney)
- Issue 359, fix default opt argument to work with imageio and ImageMagick #471 (earney)
- Add tests for TextClip #469 (earney)
- Issue 467; fix Nameerror with copy function. Added issue to tests.. #468 (earney)
- Small improvements to docs pages, docs usage #463 (kerstin)
- Fix mixed content #462 (kerstin)
- fix Issue 368.. ValueError: Invalid value for quantizer: 'wu' #460 (earney)
- add testing to verify the width,height (size) are correct. #459 (earney)
- modify tests to use ColorClip's new color argument (instead of col) #457 (earney)
- add ImageSequenceClip tests #456 (earney)
- Add some tests for VideoFileClip #453 (earney)
- add test_compositing.py #451 (earney)
- add test for tools #450 (earney)
- fix issue 448; AudioFileClip 90k tbr error #449 (earney)
- add testing with travis-ci #447 (earney)
- fix YouTube embeds in docs #446 (kerstin)
- Move PR test to test_PR.py file #444 (earney)
- Test issue 407 (video has a valid fps after concatenate function) #443 (earney)
- add test for PR306. #440 (earney)
- fix issue 417.. unicode has no attribute shape (error in python 2) #438 (earney)
- fix Issue #385 , no DirectoryClip class #434 (earney)
- add test file for pull requests. #433 (earney)
- put DEVNULL into compat.py #432 (earney)
- test for issue #145 #431 (earney)
- fix PR #413 . (issue #357) #429 (earney)
- fix issue 145. raise Exception when concatenate method != chain or c… #428 (earney)
- Readme improvements #425 (kerstin)
#424 (Gloin1313)- Revert "small recipe (mirroring a video)" #414 (Zulko)
- fixes #357. confusing error about coreader, when media file does not exist #413 (earney)
- move PY3 to new compat.py file #411 (earney)
- Fix Issue #373 Trajectory.save_list #394 (dermusikman)
- bug presented #390 (TonyChen0724)
- Audio error handling made failsafe #377 (gyglim)
- Fix issue #354 #355 (groundflyer)
- Fixed resize documentation issue #319 #346 (jmisacube)
- Added AAC codec to mp4 #345 (jeromegrosse)
- Add a test case. #339 (drewm1980)
- ImageSequenceClip: Check for fps and durations rather than fps and du… #331 (jeromegrosse)
- Handle bytes when listing fonts in VideoClip.py #306 (Zowie)
- fix deprecation message #302 (mgaitan)
- Fix for #274 #275 (nad2000)
- Update README.rst #254 (tcyrus)
- small recipe (mirroring a video) #243 (zodman)
- Document inherited members in reference documentation #236 (achalddave)
- fixed module hierarchy for Trajectory #215 (bwagner)
- Fixed missing list #211 (LunarLanding)
- Fixed copy-paste typo #197 (temerick)
- Adds
option towrite\_audiofile\(\)
to complement #380 #458 (Gloin1313) - pick highest fps when concatenating #416 (BrianLee608)
- Incorporated optional progress_bar flag for writing video to file #380 (wingillis)
Closed issues
- concatenate_videoclips([clip1,clip2]) results in a clip where the second clip is skewed and has severe lines #520
- FFMPEG crashes if the script is a .pyw #517
- VideoFileClip instance has no attribute 'reader' #512
- Adding emoji with moviepy #507
- How to remove original audio from the video file ? #504
- Duration Format With Moviepy #502
- AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'tobytes' #499
- New install... VideoFileClip("x.mp4").subclip(0,13) gives "reader not defined error" #461
- Bytes-like object is required, not 'str' in version #455
- Can't import gifs into moviepy #452
- AudioFileClip #448
- Error with Pillow #445
- Moviepy AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'shape' #439
- This is what exception.... #437
- when I from moviepy.editor import *, There cause exception,That's why....... #436
- No available fonts in moviepy #426
- Project maintenance, mgmt, workflow etc. #422
- Cannot run in a django project on apache #420
- error 'unicode' object has no attribute 'shape' #417
- VideoClip has no attribute fps error when trying to concatenate #407
- The Travis tester seems to be failing #406
- Slow motion video massively sped up #404
- moviepy not able to find installed ffmpeg bug? #396
- Cannot open audio: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'start' #393
- DirectoryClip??? Where is it? #385
- Minor Documentation typo in VideoFileClip #375
- Documentation Update: VideoTools #372
- ValueError: Invalid value for quantizer: 'wu' #368
- Parameter color in ColorClip #366
- Different size videos #365
- Add support for dithering GIF output #358
- VideoFileClip instance has no attribute 'coreader' #357
- ffmpeg_parse_infos fails while parsing tbr #352
- No audio when adding Mp3 to VideoFileClip MoviePy #350
- ImportError: No module named tracking (OS: 10.11.6 "El Capitan", Python 2.7.12) #348
- Moviepy not compatible with Python 3.2 #333
- Attribute Error (Raspberry Pi) #332
- ImageSequenceClip: Error when fps not provided but durations provided #326
- CI Testing #325
- Pythonanywhere Moviepy #324
- Documentation for resize parameter is wrong #319
- ImageClip's with default settings can not be concatenated #314
- librelist does not work #309
- Broken Gallery in Documentation #304
- File IOError when trying to extract subclips from mov file on Ubuntu #303
- write_gif failing #296
- Resize not working #272
- stretch image to size of frame #250
- ffprobe metadata on video file clips #249
- Credits1 is not working - gap missing, isTransparent flag not available #247
- Generating Gif from images #240
- permission denied #233
- receive the video advancement mounting (Ex: in %) #224
- Import of MoviePy and Mayavi causes a segfault #223
- Video overlay (gauges...) #222
- OSError: [WinError 193] %1 n’est pas une application Win32 valide #221
- Warning: skimage.filter is deprecated #214
- External FFmpeg issues #193
- Video and Audio are out of sync after write #192
- Broken image on PyPI #187
- ImageSequenceClip from OpenEXR file sequence generate black Clip video #186
- Loading video from url #185
- Wrong number of frames in .gif file #181
- Converting mp4 to ogv error in bitrate #174
- embed clip in a jupyter notebook #160
- How to create a video from a sequence of images without writing them on memory #159
- LaTeX strings #156
- UnboundLocalError in video/compositing/concatenate.py #145
- Crop a Video with four different coodinate pairs #142
- global name 'colorGradient' is not defined #141
- rotating image animation producing error #130
- bug introduced in #129
- Getting a TypeError in FramesMatch #126
- moviepy is awesome #125
- Concanate clips with different size #124
- TextClip.list('font') raises TypeError in Python 3 #117
- Attempt to Download freeimage failing #111
- Invalid buffer size, packet size < expected frame_size #109
- imageio has permission problems as WSGI user on Amazon Web Server #106
- Possibility to avoid code duplication #99
- Memory Leak In VideoFileClip #96
- [Windows users: help !] Finding ImageMagick automatically on windows #80
- Save to Amazon S3 #6
- transparency bug in concatenate_videoclips() #103
- Possible to create out of bounds subclip #470
- TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer #376
- TextClip.list('color') failed to return color list #371
- Bug in write_gif #359
- crossfadeout "Attribute 'duration' not set" #354
- AAC support for mp4 #344
- Python2 unicode_literals errors #293
- concatenate ImageClip #285
- VideoFileClip instance has no attribute 'reader' #255
- TextClip.list('color') fails #200