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forked from versx/WhMgr

Discord notification system that works with RealDeviceMap and reports Pokemon, Raids, Eggs, Quests, Pokestop Lures, Team Rocket Invasions, Gym team changes, and Weather as embed messages. Discord users can also subscribe to custom Pokemon, Raid, Quest, and Team Rocket Invasion notifications via direct message (DM) with predefined requirements.

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings



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Webhook Manager v4

PokeAlarm, PoracleJS, WDR, Novabot, etc alternative.

Works with RealDeviceMap


Sends Discord notifications based on pre-defined filters for Pokemon, raids, raid eggs, field research quests, Team Rocket invasions, gym team changes, and weather. Also supports Discord user's subscribing to Pokemon, raid, quest, and Team Rocket invasion notifications via DM.


  • Supports multiple Discord servers.
  • Discord channel alarm reports for Pokemon, raids, eggs, quests, lures, invasions, gym team changes, and weather.
  • Per user custom Discord notifications for Pokemon, raids, quests, and invasions.
  • User interface to configure Discord notifications with ease (as well as Discord commands). (
  • Subscription notifications based on pre-defined distance.
  • Customizable alert messages with dynamic text replacement.
  • Support for multiple cities/areas using geofences per server.
  • Daily shiny stats reporting.
  • Automatic quest message purge at midnight.
  • Support for Donors/Supporters only notifications.
  • Direct messages of Pokemon notifications based on city roles assigned.
  • Pokemon and Raid subscription notifications based on specific forms.
  • Custom prefix support as well as mentionable user support for commands.
  • Raid subscription notifications for specific gyms.
  • Twilio text message alerts for ultra rare Pokemon.
  • Custom image support for Discord alarm reports.
  • Custom icon style selection for Discord user notifications.
  • External emoji server support.
  • Custom static map format support.
  • Support for language translation.
  • Multi threaded, low processing consumption.
  • I.C.O.N.S. standard image support.
  • Lots more...




  • Alerts: Discord message structures for channel messages or direct message subscriptions
  • Subscriptions: Custom user defined Pokemon, Raid, Quest, Invasion, or Gym direct messages subscriptions
  • Geofences: Area restrictions per Alarm
  • Alarms: Discord channel messages

Getting Started:

1.) Run the following to install .NET Core runtime, clone respository, and copy example Alerts, Filters, Geofences, config and alarm files.

wget && chmod +x && ./ && rm  

bitsadmin /transfer dotnet-install-job /download /priority FOREGROUND install.bat | start install.bat  

2.) Edit config.json either open in Notepad/++ or vi config.json.

    // Http listening interface for raw webhook data.
    "host": "",
    // Http listener port for raw webhook data.
    "port": 8008,
    // Locale language translation
    "locale": "en",
    // ShortURL API ( API, i.e. ``)
    "shortUrlApiUrl": null,
    // Stripe API key (Stripe production API key, i.e. rk_3824802934
    "stripeApiKey": ""
    // List of Discord servers to connect and post webhook messages to.
    "servers": {
        // Discord server #1 guild ID (replace `000000000000000001` with guild id of server)
        "000000000000000001": {
            // Bot command prefix, leave blank to use @mention <command>
            "commandPrefix": ".",
            // Discord Emoji server ID. (Can be same as `guildId`)  
            "emojiGuildId": 000000000000000001,
            // Discord server owner ID.
            "ownerId": 000000000000000000,
            // Donor/Supporter role ID(s).
            "donorRoleIds": [
            // Moderator Discord role ID(s).
            "moderatorRoleIds": [
            // Discord bot token with user.
            "token": "<DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN>",
            // Alarms file path.
            "alarms": "alarms.json",
            // Custom user subscriptions
            "subscriptions": {
                // Enable or disable custom direct message notification subscriptions per user.
                "enabled": false,
                // Maximum amount of Pokemon subscriptions a user can set, set as 0 for no limit.
                "maxPokemonSubscriptions": 0,
                // Maximum amount of PvP subscriptions a user can set, set as 0 for no limit.
                "maxPvPSubscriptions": 0,
                // Maximum amount of Raid subscriptions a user can set, set as 0 for no limit.
                "maxRaidSubscriptions": 0,
                // Maximum amount of Quest subscriptions a user can set, set as 0 for no limit.
                "maxQuestSubscriptions": 0,
                // Maximum amount of Invasion subscriptions a user can set, set as 0 for no limit.
                "maxInvasionSubscriptions": 0,
                // Maximum amount of Gym subscriptions a user can set, set as 0 for no limit.
                "maxGymSubscriptions": 0
            // Enable city role assignments.
            "enableCities": false,
            // City/geofence role(s) used to assign city roles (if enabled) as well as depict what
	    // geofences are related to which Discord guild. **NOT** used for subscriptions.
            "cityRoles": [
            // Assigning city roles requires Donor/Supporter role.
            "citiesRequireSupporterRole": true,
            // Prune old field research quests at midnight.
            "pruneQuestChannels": true,
            // Channel ID(s) of quest channels to prune at midnight.
            "questChannelIds": [
            // Channel ID to post nests.
            "nestsChannelId": 000000000000000000,
            // Minimum amount of average spawn count per hour for nest to post
            "nestsMinimumPerHour": 2,
            // Shiny stats configuration
            "shinyStats": {
                // Enable shiny stats posting.
                "enabled": true,
                // Clear previous shiny stat messages.
                "clearMessages": false,
                // Channel ID to post shiny stats.
                "channelId": 000000000000000000
            // Icon style to use.
            "iconStyle": "Default",
            // Channel ID(s) bot commands can be executed in.
            "botChannelIds": [
            // Custom Discord status per server, leave blank or null to use current version.  
            "status": ""
        "000000000000000002": {
            "commandPrefix": ".",
            "emojiGuildId": 000000000000000001,
            "ownerId": 000000000000000000,
            "donorRoleIds": [
            "moderatorRoleIds": [
            "token": "<DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN>",
            "alarms": "alarms2.json",
            // Custom user subscriptions
            "subscriptions": {
                // Enable or disable custom direct message notification subscriptions per user.
                "enabled": false,
                // Maximum amount of Pokemon subscriptions a user can set, set as 0 for no limit.
                "maxPokemonSubscriptions": 0,
                // Maximum amount of PvP subscriptions a user can set, set as 0 for no limit.
                "maxPvPSubscriptions": 0,
                // Maximum amount of Raid subscriptions a user can set, set as 0 for no limit.
                "maxRaidSubscriptions": 0,
                // Maximum amount of Quest subscriptions a user can set, set as 0 for no limit.
                "maxQuestSubscriptions": 0,
                // Maximum amount of Invasion subscriptions a user can set, set as 0 for no limit.
                "maxInvasionSubscriptions": 0,
                // Maximum amount of Gym subscriptions a user can set, set as 0 for no limit.
                "maxGymSubscriptions": 0
            "enableCities": false,
            "cityRoles": [
            "citiesRequireSupporterRole": true,
            "pruneQuestChannels": true,
            "questChannelIds": [
            "nestsChannelId": 000000000000000000,
            "nestsMinimumPerHour": 2,
            "shinyStats": {
                "enabled": true,
                "clearMessages": false,
                "channelId": 000000000000000000
            "iconStyle": "Default",
            "botChannelIds": [
            "status": null
    // Database configuration
    "database": {
        // Database to store notification subscriptions.
        "main": {
            // Database hostname or IP address.
            "host": "",
            // Database connection port.
            "port": 3306,
            // Database user account name.
            "username": "root",
            // Database user account password.
            "password": "password",
            // Brock database name.
            "database": "brock3"
        // Scanner database config
        "scanner": {
            // Database hostname or IP address.
            "host": "",
            // Database connection port.
            "port": 3306,
            // Database user account name.
            "username": "root",
            // Database user account password.
            "password": "password",
            // RDM database name.
            "database": "rdmdb"
        // PMSF Nests database config
        "nests": {
            // Database hostname or IP address.
            "host": "",
            // Database connection port.
            "port": 3306,
            // Database user account name.
            "username": "root",
            // Database user account password.
            "password": "password",
            // PMSF nests database name.
            "database": "manualdb"
    // List of Pokemon IDs to treat as event and restrict postings and subscriptions to 90% IV or higher. (Filled in automatically with `event set` command)  
    "eventPokemonIds": [
	// Minimum IV value for an event Pokemon to have to meet in order to post via Discord channel alarm or direct message subscription.
    "eventMinimumIV": "90",
    // Image URL config
    "urls": {
        // Static tile map images template.
        "staticMap": "{0}/{1}/15/300/175/1/png",
        // Scanner map DTS option for embeds as `scanmaps_url`  
        "scannerMap": "{0}/{1}/15"
    // Available icon styles
    "iconStyles": {
        "Default": "",
        "Shuffle": "",
        "Home": ""
    // Custom static map template files for each alarm type
    "staticMaps": {
        // Static map template for Pokemon
        "pokemon": "pokemon.example.json",
        // Static map template for Raids and Eggs
        "raids": "raids.example.json",
        // Static map template for field research quests
        "quests": "quests.example.json",
        // Static map template for Team Rocket invasions
        "invasions": "invasions.example.json",
        // Static map template for Pokestop lures
        "lures": "lures.example.json",
        // Static map template for Gym team control changes
        "gyms": "gyms.example.json",
        // Static map template for nest postings
        "nests": "nests.example.json",
        // Static map template for weather changes
        "weather": "weather.example.json"
    // Get text message alerts with
    "twilio": {
        // Determines if text message alerts are enabled
        "enabled": false,
        // Twilio account SID (Get via Twilio dashboard)
        "accountSid": "",
        // Twilio account auth token (Get via Twilio dashboard)
        "authToken": "",
        // Twilio phone number that will be sending the text message alert
        "from": "",
        // List of Discord user ids that can receive text message alerts
        "userIds": [],
        // List of acceptable Pokemon to receive text message alerts for
        "pokemonIds": [201, 480, 481, 482, 443, 444, 445, 633, 634, 635, 610, 611, 612],
        // Minimum acceptable IV value for Pokemon if not ultra rare (Unown, Lake Trio)
        "minIV": 100
    // Needed if you want to use the address lookup DTS
    "gmapsKey": "",
    // Minimum despawn time in minutes a Pokemon must have in order to send the alarm (default: 5 minutes)
    "despawnTimeMinimumMinutes": 5,
    // Log webhook payloads to a file for debugging (do not enable unless you're having issues receiving data
    "debug": false,
    // Only show logs with higher or equal priority levels (Trace, Debug, Info, Warning, Error, Fatal, None)
    "logLevel": "Trace"

3.) Edit alarms.json either open in Notepad/++ or vi alarms.json.
4.) Fill out the alarms file.

    // Global switch for Pokemon notifications.
    "enablePokemon": false,
    // Global switch for Raid/Egg notifications.
    "enableRaids": false,
    // Global switch for Quest notifications.
    "enableQuests": false,
    // Global switch for Pokestop notifications.
    "enablePokestops": false,
    // Global switch for Gym notifications.
    "enableGyms": false,
    // Global switch for Weather notifications.
    "enableWeather": false,
    // List of alarms
    "alarms": [{
        // Alarm name.
        "name": "Alarm1",
        // DTS compatible mention description.      
        "description": "<!@324234324> <iv> L<lvl> <geofence>",
        // Alerts file.
        "alerts": "default.json",
        // Alarm filters.
        "filters": "default.json",
        // Either the geofence file path (`geojson` or `ini` format) or the geofence name
        "geofences": ["geofence1.txt", "city1"],
        // Discord webhook url address.
        "webhook": "<DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL>"
        // Alarm name.
        "name": "Alarm2",
        // DTS compatible mention description.      
        "description": "",
        // Alerts file.
        "alerts": "default.json",
        // Alarm filters.
        "filters": "100iv.json",
        // Either the geofence file path (`geojson` or `ini` format) or the geofence name
        "geofences": ["geojson1.json", "geofence2.txt", "cityName1"],
        // Discord webhook url address.
        "webhook": "<DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL>"

5.) Create directory geofences in bin/debug/netcoreapp2.1 directory if it doesn't already exist.
6.) Create/copy geofence files to geofences folder.

Note: Supports INI geofence file format as well as GeoJSON geofence file format:
INI Format


GeoJSON Format

    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "features": [
            "type": "Feature",
            "id": 12143584,
            "geometry": {
                "type": "Polygon",
                "coordinates": [
            "properties": {
                "name": "Unknown Areaname",
                "stroke": "#352BFF",
                "stroke-width": 2.0,
                "stroke-opacity": 1.0,
                "fill": "#0651FF",
                "fill-opacity": 0.5,
		"priority": 2,

GeoJSON to individual INI format geofence files converter:
7.) Add dotnet to your environment path if it isn't already (optional): export PATH=~/.dotnet/dotnet:$PATH
8.) Build executable dotnet build ../../.. (if dotnet is in your path) otherwise ~/.dotnet/dotnet build ../../..
9.) Start WhMgr dotnet WhMgr.dll (if dotnet is in your path) otherwise ~/.dotnet/dotnet WhMgr.dll (If Windows, run as Administrator)
10.) Optional User Interface for members to create subscriptions from a website instead of using Discord commands. WhMgr UI
11.) Optional reverse location lookup with OpenStreetMaps Nominatim instead of Google Maps, install instructions here


The update scripts will pull latest repository changes, build latest WhMgr.dll, and copy latest locale translation and master files. If you'd like to copy any of the latest example files (alerts, filters, templates, geofences) you can provide a parameter when running the script to include them. examples
Will copy examples to build folder geofences
Will copy geofences to build folder all
Will copy examples and geofences to build folder

Important Notes:

  • Upon starting, database tables will be automatically created if enableSubscriptions is set to true. Emoji icons are also created in the specified EmojiGuildId upon connecting to Discord.
  • Discord Permissions Needed:
    • Read Messages
    • Send Messages
    • Manage Messages (Prune quest channels)
    • Manage Roles (If cities are enabled)
    • Manage Emojis
    • Embed Links
    • Attach Files (export command)
    • Use External Emojis
  • DM notifications can be sent to users based on:
    • Pokemon ID
    • Pokemon Form
    • Pokemon IV
    • Pokemon Level
    • List of Pokemon Attack/Defense/Stamina values
    • Pokemon Gender
    • Raid Boss
    • City
    • Gym Name
    • Quest Reward
    • Invasion Grunt Type
    • Distance (meters)

Notification Commands

General Subscription Commands

  • enable Enable direct message subscriptions
  • disable Disable direct message subscriptions
  • info List all Pokemon, Raid, Quest, Invasion, and Gym subscriptions and settings
  • set-distance Set minimum distance to Pokemon, PvP, raids, quests, invasions and gyms need to be within. (Measured in meters) If a distance is set, subscribed geofences will be ignored.
  • expire / expires Check stripe API when Donor/Supporter subscription expires
  • set-number Sets the phone number to use for text message alerts for ultra rare Pokemon

Pokemon Subscriptions

  • pokeme Subscribe to specific Pokemon notifications
  • pokemenot Unsubscribe from specific Pokemon notifications

PVP Subscriptions

  • pvpme Subscription to specific PVP Pokemon notifications
  • pvpmenot Unsubscribe from specific PVP Pokemon notifications

Raid Subscriptions

  • raidme Subscribe to specific Raid notifications
  • raidmenot Unsubscribe from specific Raid notifications

Quest Subscriptions

  • questme Subscribe to specific field research quest notifications
  • questmenot Unsubscribe from specific field research quest notifications

Team Rocket Invasion Subscriptions

  • invme Subscribe to specific Team Rocket invasion notifications
  • invmenot Unsubscribe from specific Team Rocket invasion notifications

Subscriptions Management

  • import Import saved subscriptions file
  • export Export subscriptions config file

Icon Style Selection

  • icons List available icon styles to choose from
  • set-icons Set icon style to use for direct message notifications

City Role Assignment

  • cities / feeds List all available city roles
  • feedme Assign city role
  • feedmenot Unassign city role

Owner Only Commands

  • gyms convert Check for any pokestops that have converted to gyms and delete them from the database.
  • nests Post nests in channels.
  • event list List Pokemon set as event Pokemon
  • event set <pokemon_id_list> Set Pokemon as event Pokemon (overwrites current list)
  • isbanned Check if IP banned from PTC or NIA
  • clean-departed Clean departed Discord member subscriptions
  • reset-quests Reset and delete quest channels
  • shiny-stats Manually post shiny stats

Dynamic Text Replacement


Place Holder Description Example
pkmn_id Pokedex ID 1
pkmn_id_3 Pokedex ID (always 3 digits) 001
pkmn_name Pokemon name Bulbasaur
pkmn_img_url Pokemon image url
form Pokemon form name Alolan
form_id Form ID 65
form_id_3 Form ID (always 3 digits) 065
costume Costume name Witch Hat
costume_id Costume ID 835
costume_id_3 Costume ID (always 3 digits) 835
cp Combat Power value 1525
lvl Pokemon level 25
gender Pokemon gender Gender icon
gender_emoji Pokemon gender emoji <:00000:gender_male>
size Pokemon size Big
move_1 Fast move name Quick Attack
move_2 Charge move name Thunder
moveset Fast & Charge move names Quick Attack/Thunder
type_1 Pokemon type Dark
type_2 Pokemon type Water
type_1_emoji Pokemon type emoji <:00000:types_water>
type_2_emoji Pokemon type emoji <:00000:types_rock>
types Both types (if 2nd exists) Dark/Fire
types_emoji Type Discord emoji <:00000:types_fire> <00001:types_dark>
atk_iv Attack IV stat 15
def_iv Defense IV stat 7
sta_iv Stamina IV stat 13
iv IV stat (including percent sign) 100%
iv_rnd Rounded IV stat 96%
is_great Great League stats (bool) true
is_ultra Ultra League stats (bool) false
is_pvp Has either Great or Ultra league stats true
great_league_emoji Great League emoji icon <000000:league_great>
ultra_league_emoji Ultra League emoji icon <000000:league_ultra>
pvp_stats PvP stat ranking strings
height Pokemon height 0.79
weight Pokemon weight 116
is_ditto Checks if Ditto true
original_pkmn_id Pokedex ID of Ditto disguise 13
original_pkmn_id_3 Pokedex ID of Ditto disguise (always 3 digits) 013
original_pkmn_name Pokemon name of Ditto diguise Weedle
is_weather_boosted Returns if Pokemon is weather boosted true
has_weather Returns if Pokemon data has weather false
weather Weather in-game name PartlyCloudy
weather_emoji Weather in-game emoji Weather
username Account username of account that found Pokemon Frank0324
spawnpoint_id Spawnpoint ID Pokemon near 3920849203840983204980
encounter_id Encounter ID of Pokemon 392874987239487924
despawn_time Pokemon despawn time 07:33:01 PM
despawn_time_24h Pokemon despawn time (24-hour format) 19:33:01
despawn_time_verified Indicates if time is confirmed or not ~ for not verified
is_despawn_time_verified Returns if despawn time is verified true
time_left Minutes and seconds of time left until despawn 29m, 30s
geofence Geofence name Pokemon is in City1
lat Latitude coordinate of Pokemon location 5.980921321
lng Longitude coordinate of Pokemon location 3.109283009
lat_5 Latitude coordinate shortend to 5th precision 5.98092
lng_5 Longitude coordinate shortend to 5th precision 3.10928
tilemaps_url Static tile map url
gmaps_url Google maps location url,3.109283009
applemaps_url Apple maps location url,3.109283009
wazemaps_url Waze maps location url,3.109283009&navigate=yes
near_pokestop Returns if Pokemon is near a Pokestop true
pokestop_id Nearby Pokestop ID 9382498723849792348798234.16
pokestop_name Name of nearby Pokestop The Amazing Pokestop
pokestop_url Image url of nearby Pokestop
guild_name Name of Guild Test Guild
guild_img_url Icon image url of Guild
date_time Current date and time 12/12/2020 12:12:12 PM
br Newline break \r\n

Raids & Eggs

Place Holder Description Example
pkmn_id Raid boss pokedex ID 1
pkmn_id_3 Raid boss pokedex ID (always 3 digits) 001
pkmn_name Raid boss pokemon name Bulbasaur
pkmn_img_url Raid boss pokemon image url
form Pokemon form name Alolan
form_id Form ID 65
form_id_3 Form ID (always 3 digits) 065
is_egg Returns if raid is egg and not hatched false
is_ex Returns if raid is ex pass eligible true
ex_emoji Ex emoji icon Ex
team Team name that has gym control Valor
team_emoji Emoji of team that has gym control <:valor:930824>
cp Raid boss combat power value 36150
lvl Raid boss level 5
gender Pokemon gender Gender icon
move_1 Fast move name Quick Attack
move_2 Charge move name Thunder
moveset Fast & Charge move names Quick Attack/Thunder
type_1 Pokemon type Dark
type_2 Pokemon type Water
type_1_emoji Pokemon type emoji <:00000:types_water>
type_2_emoji Pokemon type emoji <:00000:types_rock>
types Both types (if 2nd exists) Dark/Fire
types_emoji Type Discord emoji <:00000:types_fire> <00001:types_dark>
weaknesses Raid boss weaknesses Rock, Ground, Dark
weaknesses_emoji Emoji(s) of raid boss weaknesses Rock Ground Dark
perfect_cp Perfect IV CP 1831
perfect_cp_boosted Perfect IV CP if Weather boosted 2351
worst_cp Worst IV CP 1530
worst_cp_boosted Worst IV CP if Weather boosted 1339
start_time Raid start time 08:32:00 AM
start_time_24h Raid start time (24-hour format) 08:32:00
start_time_left Time left until raid starts 43m, 33s
end_time Raid end time 09:15:10 AM
end_time_24h Raid end time (24-hour format) 09:15:10
end_time_left Time left until raid ends 45, 11s
time_left Minutes and seconds of time left until despawn 29m, 30s
geofence Geofence name raid boss is in City1
lat Latitude coordinate of Pokemon location 5.980921321
lng Longitude coordinate of Pokemon location 3.109283009
lat_5 Latitude coordinate shortend to 5th precision 5.98092
lng_5 Longitude coordinate shortend to 5th precision 3.10928
tilemaps_url Static tile map url
gmaps_url Google maps location url,3.109283009
applemaps_url Apple maps location url,3.109283009
wazemaps_url Waze maps location url,3.109283009&navigate=yes
gym_id Gym ID 9382498723849792348798234.16
gym_name Name of Gym The Amazing Gym
gym_url Image url of Gym
guild_name Name of Guild Test Guild
guild_img_url Icon image url of Guild
date_time Current date and time 12/12/2020 12:12:12 PM
br Newline break \r\n


Place Holder Description Example
quest_task Quest task message Catch 5 Pokemon
quest_conditions Quest task conditions Dark
quest_reward Quest task reward Chansey
quest_reward_img_url Quest reward image url
has_quest_conditions Returns if the quest has conditions true
is_ditto Checks if Ditto true
is_shiny Checks if reward is shiny false
geofence Geofence name raid boss is in City1
lat Latitude coordinate of Pokemon location 5.980921321
lng Longitude coordinate of Pokemon location 3.109283009
lat_5 Latitude coordinate shortend to 5th precision 5.98092
lng_5 Longitude coordinate shortend to 5th precision 3.10928
tilemaps_url Static tile map url
gmaps_url Google maps location url,3.109283009
applemaps_url Apple maps location url,3.109283009
wazemaps_url Waze maps location url,3.109283009&navigate=yes
pokestop_id Pokestop ID 9382498723849792348798234.16
pokestop_name Name of Pokestop The Amazing Pokestop
pokestop_url Image url of Gym
guild_name Name of Guild Test Guild
guild_img_url Icon image url of Guild
date_time Current date and time 12/12/2020 12:12:12 PM
br Newline break \r\n


Place Holder Description Example
has_lure Returns if Pokestop has active lure module deployed true
lure_type Pokestop lure module type Glacial
lure_expire_time Time lure module will expire 07:33:19 PM
lure_expire_time_24h Time lure module will expire (24-hour format) 19:33:19
lure_expire_time_left Time left until lure module expires 13m, 2s
has_invasion Returns if Pokestop has active Team Rocket invasion false
grunt_type Grunt type Water
grunt_type_emoji Emoji icon of grunt type <:938294:types_water>
grunt_gender Grunt gender Male
invasion_expire_time Time the invasion expires 02:17:11 PM
invasion_expire_time_24h Time the invasion expires (24-hour format) 14:17:11
invasion_expire_time_left Time left until invasion expires 12m, 56s
invasion_encounters Possible invasions reward encounters 80% Bulbasaur
geofence Geofence name raid boss is in City1
lat Latitude coordinate of Pokemon location 5.980921321
lng Longitude coordinate of Pokemon location 3.109283009
lat_5 Latitude coordinate shortend to 5th precision 5.98092
lng_5 Longitude coordinate shortend to 5th precision 3.10928
tilemaps_url Static tile map url
gmaps_url Google maps location url,3.109283009
applemaps_url Apple maps location url,3.109283009
wazemaps_url Waze maps location url,3.109283009&navigate=yes
pokestop_id Pokestop ID 9382498723849792348798234.16
pokestop_name Name of Pokestop The Amazing Pokestop
pokestop_url Image url of Gym
lure_img_url Image url of lure icon
invasion_img_url Image url of grunt type icon
guild_name Name of Guild Test Guild
guild_img_url Icon image url of Guild
date_time Current date and time 12/12/2020 12:12:12 PM
br Newline break \r\n


Place Holder Description Example
gym_id Gym ID 032840982304982034.16
gym_name Name of Gym The Amazing Gym
gym_url Image url of Gym
gym_team Current team that has gym control Valor
gym_team_emoji Emoji icon of current team that has gym control <:09833:valor>
old_gym_team Previous gym team that had gym control Mystic
old_gym_team_emoji Emoji icon of previous gym team that has gym control <:324987:mystic>
team_changed Returns if team's gym control changed true
in_battle Returns if there's a current battle at the gym taking place false
under_attack Returns if there's a current battle at the gym taking place false
is_ex Returns if the gym is an ex raid eligible location true
ex_emoji Ex emoji icon <:809809:ex>
slots_available Number of available gym slots 3
geofence Geofence name raid boss is in City1
lat Latitude coordinate of Pokemon location 5.980921321
lng Longitude coordinate of Pokemon location 3.109283009
lat_5 Latitude coordinate shortend to 5th precision 5.98092
lng_5 Longitude coordinate shortend to 5th precision 3.10928
tilemaps_url Static tile map url
gmaps_url Google maps location url,3.109283009
applemaps_url Apple maps location url,3.109283009
wazemaps_url Waze maps location url,3.109283009&navigate=yes
guild_name Name of Guild Test Guild
guild_img_url Icon image url of Guild
date_time Current date and time 12/12/2020 12:12:12 PM
br Newline break \r\n


Place Holder Description Example
pkmn_id Pokedex ID 1
pkmn_id_3 Pokedex ID (always 3 digits) 001
pkmn_name Pokemon name Bulbasaur
pkmn_img_url Pokemon image url
avg_spawns Average amount of spawns in the nests 34
nest_name Nest/Park name Best Park Ever
type_1 Pokemon type Dark
type_2 Pokemon type Water
type_1_emoji Pokemon type emoji <:00000:types_water>
type_2_emoji Pokemon type emoji <:00000:types_rock>
types Both types (if 2nd exists) Dark/Fire
types_emoji Type Discord emoji <:00000:types_fire> <00001:types_dark>
geofence Geofence name nest/park is in City1
lat Latitude coordinate of Pokemon location 5.980921321
lng Longitude coordinate of S2Cell weather location 3.109283009
lat_5 Latitude coordinate shortend to 5th precision 5.98092
lng_5 Longitude coordinate shortend to 5th precision 3.10928
tilemaps_url Static tile map url
gmaps_url Google maps location url,3.109283009
applemaps_url Apple maps location url,3.109283009
wazemaps_url Waze maps location url,3.109283009&navigate=yes
date_time Current date and time 12/12/2020 12:12:12 PM
br Newline break \r\n


Place Holder Description Example
id S2Cell weather id -9938028402
weather_condition In-game gameplay condition Cloudy
has_weather Returns if there is weather set true
weather In-game gameplay condition Cloudy
weather_img_url Weather type image url
wind_direction Wind blowing direction true
wind_level Wind level 285
rain_level Raid level 285
cloud_level Cloud level 285
fog_level Fog level 285
snow_level Snow level 285
warn_weather Warning weather true
special_effect_level Special effect level 2
severity Weather severity None/Moderate/Extreme
geofence Geofence name weather cell is in City1
lat Latitude coordinate of S2Cell weather location 5.980921321
lng Longitude coordinate of S2Cell weather location 3.109283009
lat_5 Latitude coordinate shortend to 5th precision 5.98092
lng_5 Longitude coordinate shortend to 5th precision 3.10928
tilemaps_url Static tile map url
gmaps_url Google maps location url,3.109283009
applemaps_url Apple maps location url,3.109283009
wazemaps_url Waze maps location url,3.109283009&navigate=yes
guild_name Name of Guild Test Guild
guild_img_url Icon image url of Guild
date_time Current date and time 12/12/2020 12:12:12 PM
br Newline break \r\n


  • Allow Pokemon id and name in Pokemon filter lists.
  • Individual filters per Pokemon. (PA style, maybe)
  • PvP ranks DTS


All examples are completely customizable using Dynamic Text Replacement/Substitution
Discord Pokemon Notifications:
Pokemon Notifications

Discord Pokemon PVP Notifications:
Pokemon Notifications

Discord Raid Notifications:
Raid Notifications

Discord Raid Egg Notifications:
Egg Notifications

Discord Quest Notifications:
Quest Notifications

Discord Lure Notifications:
Lure Notifications

Discord Lure (Glacial) Notifications:
Lure (Glacial) Notifications

Discord Lure (Mossy) Notifications:
Lure (Mossy) Notifications

Discord Lure (Magnetic) Notifications:
Lure (Magnetic) Notifications

Discord Gym Team Takeover Notifications:
Gym Team Takeover Notifications

Discord Team Rocket Invasion Notifications:
Team Rocket Invasion Notifications

Discord Weather Notifications:
Weather Notifications

Current Issues


versx - Developer
PokeAlarm - Dynamic Text Substitution idea
WDR - masterfile.json file


Discord notification system that works with RealDeviceMap and reports Pokemon, Raids, Eggs, Quests, Pokestop Lures, Team Rocket Invasions, Gym team changes, and Weather as embed messages. Discord users can also subscribe to custom Pokemon, Raid, Quest, and Team Rocket Invasion notifications via direct message (DM) with predefined requirements.






No packages published


  • C# 99.4%
  • Other 0.6%