├── b站爬虫
│ ├── controller
│ │ ├── **/*.css
│ ├── views
│ ├── model
│ ├── index.js
├── code
│ ├── dataloader.py
│ ├── finetune.py
│ ├── prediction.py
│ ├── test.ipynb
| ├── utils.py
├── data
├── data_analyze.ipynb
├── 文档
└── README.md
Run the following command in the terminal in one line(add space between each arg), the content in the [bracket] is the customizable parameter to be filled in
conda run -n base --no-capture-output --live-stream python [Directory of the finetune.py file] \
--device [str: device to use, i.e. 'cuda:0'] \
--if_local [bool: whether to load existing model from local, **note: the name of the existing model has to be the same with the model_name declared below**] \
--model_name [str: name of the pre-trained model] \
--epochs [int: num of epochs] \
--batch_size [int: batch size] \
--weight_decay [float: weight decay] \
--drop_prob [float: dropout probability] \
Run the following command to predict the label using costomized dataset. Note: must save your dataset to the /data directory.
conda run -n base --no-capture-output --live-stream python [Directory of the prediction.py file] \
--model_path [str: path to the model, default: /prediction.py] \
--dataset_name [str: name of dataset(must be stored in the /data directory)] \
--device [str: device to use, i.e. 'cuda:0'] \
--model_name [str: name of the tokenizer model] \
conda run -n base --no-capture-output --live-stream python /Users/zhengyuan/Desktop/ComputerDesign/code/prediction.py --model_path /Users/zhengyuan/Desktop/ComputerDesign/code/model/finetuned_model.pt --dataset_name test --device cuda:0 --model_name bert-base-chinese