Nodejs server for doing electrum server over http. no need for socket, just get requests on urls. Uses tls on port 50002.
Requires node version 6.0 and above
Install npm dependencies with command:
npm install
Start the service with command:
npm start
Service will be started on
parameters - > call, server, param, port, contype, coin (as defined in bitgo-utxo-lib, required for nice calls)
possible calls balance = blockchainScripthash_getBalance, param = address history = blockchainScripthash_getHistory, param = address transaction = blockchainTransaction_get, param = txid utxo = blockchainScripthash_listunspent, param = address broadcast = blockchainTransaction_broadcast, param = rawtx height = blockchainHeaders_subscribe, no parameter header = blockchainBlock_getHeader, param = height nicehistory -> param = address niceentirehistory -> param = address niceutxo -> param = address