This fork combines ayatana indicators with the namarupa project, giving the user more freedom of decision, which indicators should be presented where while keeping compatibility with ubuntu/unity indicators on elementary OS (Pantheon) wingpanel.
I am currently working on a switchboard-plug this project lives in symbiosis with.
If you want to use community-indicators, please also install MvBonin/switchboard-plug-indicators from here!
This adds support for all kinds of different indicators, like Steam, Nextcloud, KeePassXC and lots more. It is currently under developement and subject to change a lot. Use it at your own risk and update it often.
Download .deb file and install it viasudo apt install ./FILENAME.deb
First install the dependencies listed below.
Open a Terminal in the extracted folder, build your application with meson and install it with ninja:
meson build --prefix=/usr cd build ninja sudo ninja install
Make sure, you follow the instructions in "Parameters for Pantheon". Otherwise it might not work.
You'll need the following dependencies :sudo apt-get install valac gcc meson sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev libgranite-dev libindicator3-dev libjson-glib-dev
Version Hera (5) and previous :
sudo apt-get install libwingpanel-2.0-dev
Version Odin(6) and later:
sudo apt-get install libwingpanel-dev indicator-application
Parameters for Pantheon (eOS)
You need to add Pantheon to the list of desktops abled to work with indicators.There are two ways to do it, so just choose one:
- 1. - Manually with autostart (thanks to JMoerman): just add the following custom command to auto start in
System settings -> "Applications" -> "Startup" -> "Add Startup App…" -> "Type in a custom command".
Now you need to change a file:
sudo nano /etc/xdg/autostart/indicator-application.desktop
Search the parameter: OnlyShowIn= and add "Pantheon" at the end of the line :
Save your changes (Ctrl+X to quit + Y(es) to save the changes + Enter to validate the filename).
mkdir -p ~/.config/autostart cp /etc/xdg/autostart/indicator-application.desktop ~/.config/autostart/ sed -i 's/^OnlyShowIn.*/OnlyShowIn=Unity;GNOME;Pantheon;/' ~/.config/autostart/indicator-application.desktop
For changes to take effect you need to reboot your machine.
How to uninstall community-indicators
sudo ninja uninstall