Bonjour-hi is a multilingual video chat room platform, allowing you to video chat with people from all around the world, without having to speak their language!
You can create video chat rooms, and invite other users to join them. Each user picks their own language, and they hear all of the other users, translated to their own language! You can have a chatroom with someone speaking German, someone speaking English, and someone speaking French, and they'll all be hearing the conversation in their own language, allowing for easy communication with anyone.
- Flask server is located at
- Create python3.6+ virtual environment and activate it
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Copy .env file
cp .env.example .env
and setup environment - Run
python run
orgunicorn --worker-class gevent -b manage:app
- React app is located at
- Run
npm install
npm start
- App is now running on