A game engine in pure JavaScript that let's you make Henry Stickmin like games with JSON.
Simply add the script file to some HTML:
<script src="engine.js" onload="game('myGame.json')"></script>
On the onload event you call the game(string jsonUrl)
this is the structure of a json file:
"scenes": {
"exampleScene": {
"title": "My New Game", /*/Optional/*/
"subtitle": "A very cool game!!!", /*/Optional/*/
"url": "exampleVideo.mp4", /*/Optional, the video to play. UI is shown after the video finishes playing./*/
"bg": "example.png", /*/Optional, if there is no video, use an image instead./*/
"buttons": [
"scene": "exampleScene", /*/Optional, the scene id to play onclick. If you pass an array, it will pick a random element./*/
"label": "A Label!!!" /*/Required/*/
"onclick": "alert('Hello World')", /*/Optional, script to run on button clicked./*/
"icon": "icon.png", /*/Optional, image to display on button./*/
"theme": "dark", /*/Optional, either light or dark, dark by default./*/
"ongui": "alert('Hello World')", /*/Optional, script to run every time gui is displayed./*/
"onstart": "alert('Hello World')", /*/Optional, script to when the game starts./*/
"mainscene": "exampleScene" /*/Optional, initial scene to play/*/
Please note that the initial scene should not have a video, because many browsers disable autoplay before user interaction.
How to use a custom json parser:
game('myGame.json', MyJson.parse)