Helm is a functionally reactive game engine written in Haskell and built around the Elerea FRP framework. Helm is heavily inspired by the Elm programming language (especially the API). All rendering is done through a vector-graphics based API. At the core, Helm is built on SDL and the Cairo vector graphics library.
In Helm, every piece of input that can be gathered from a user (or the operating system) is hidden behind a signal. For those unfamiliar with FRP, signals are essentially a value that changes over time. This sort of architecture used for a game allows for pretty simplistic (and in my opinion, artistic) code.
Documentation of the Helm API is available on Hackage. There is currently a heavily work-in-progress guide on Helm's website, which is a resource aiming to give thorough explanations of the way Helm and its API work through examples. You can ask on the mailing list if you're having any trouble with using the engine for games or working on the engine itself, or if you just want to chit-chat about Helm.
- Allows you to express game logic dependent on input in a straightforward manner, treating events as first class values (the essence of FRP).
- Vector graphics based rendering, allow you to either write art designed for any resolution or still load generic images and render those as you would with any pixel-blitting engine.
- Straightforward API heavily inspired by the Elm programming language. The API
is broken up into the following areas:
contains the main code for interfacing with the game engine but also includes some utility functions and the modulesFRP.Helm.Color
in the style of a sort of prelude library, allowing it to be included and readily make the most basic of games.FRP.Helm.Color
contains theColor
data structure, functions for composing colors and a few pre-defined colors that are usually used in games.FRP.Helm.Graphics
contains all the graphics data structures, functions for composing these structures and other general graphical utilities.FRP.Helm.Keyboard
contains signals for working with keyboard state.FRP.Helm.Mouse
contains signals for working with mouse state.FRP.Helm.Random
contains signals for generating random valuesFRP.Helm.Signal
constains useful functions for working with signals such as lifting/foldingFRP.Helm.Text
contains functions for composing text, formatting it and then turning it into an element.FRP.Helm.Time
contains functions for composing units of time and time-dependant signalsFRP.Helm.Utilities
contains an assortment of useful functions,FRP.Helm.Window
contains signals for working with the game window state.
The simplest example of a Helm game that doesn't require any input from the user is the following:
import FRP.Helm
import qualified FRP.Helm.Window as Window
render :: (Int, Int) -> Element
render (w, h) = collage w h [move (100, 100) $ filled red $ square 64]
main :: IO ()
main = run defaultConfig $ render <~ Window.dimensions
It renders a red square at the position (100, 100)
with a side length of 64
The next example is the barebones of a game that depends on input. It shows how to create an accumulated state that depends on the values sampled from signals (e.g. mouse input). You should see a white square on the screen and pressing the arrow keys allows you to move it.
import FRP.Helm
import qualified FRP.Helm.Keyboard as Keyboard
import qualified FRP.Helm.Window as Window
data State = State { mx :: Double, my :: Double }
step :: (Int, Int) -> State -> State
step (dx, dy) state = state { mx = (10 * (realToFrac dx)) + mx state,
my = (10 * (realToFrac dy)) + my state }
render :: (Int, Int) -> State -> Element
render (w, h) (State { mx = mx, my = my }) =
centeredCollage w h [move (mx, my) $ filled white $ square 100]
main :: IO ()
main = run defaultConfig $ render <~ Window.dimensions ~~ stepper
state = State { mx = 0, my = 0 }
stepper = foldp step state Keyboard.arrows
Helm requires GHC 7.6 (Elerea doesn't work with older versions due to a compiler bug). To install the latest (stable) version from the Hackage repository, use:
cabal install helm
Alternatively to get the latest development version, you can clone this repository and then run:
cabal install
You may need to jump a few hoops to install the Cairo bindings (which are a dependency), which unfortunately is out of my hands. Read the installing guide on the website for a few platform-specific instructions.
Helm is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.
Helm would benefit from either of the following contributions:
- Try out the engine, reporting any issues or suggestions you have.
- Look through the source, get a feel for the code and then contribute some features or fixes. If you plan on contributing code please submit a pull request and follow the formatting styles set out in the current code: 2 space indents, documentation on every top-level function, favouring monad operators over do blocks when there is a logical flow of data, spaces between operators and after commas, etc. Please also confirm that the code passes under HLint.
There are a number of issues tagged with the bounty tag, meaning they have associated bounties on Bountysource.