Shape-Out 2.0.0a27
- feat: add developer mode
- feat: display images on hover in polygon window in QuickView
- feat: implement loading of (polygon) filters from file
- feat: implement session saving and opening
- feat: added perceptive colormaps and set viridis as default
- feat: allow to set hue range for feature-colored scatter plots (#1)
- feat: add colorbar (#1)
- fix: hide confusing "Advances Export" plot menu in developer mode
- fix: only show scalar features in QuickView feature selection
- fix: QuickView -> Event -> Features labels in table were drawn
on top of each other - fix: minor redrawing issues
- fix: AttributeError when removing a plot on macOS
- fix: increase maximum size of plots by factor of 100
- fix: editing a polygon filter deselected it from the filter
- enh: Increased speed in QuickView when scrolling through events
- enh: Added pyqtgraph version check