C++ async DNS resolver using UDNS and Boost.
Reasonably new versions of:
- C++17 compatible compiler
- CMake
- Boost
Quick command for Ubuntu users:
apt install build-essential cmake libboost-all-dev libudns-dev
Use of Git submodule and CMake subdirectory is recommended.
mkdir cpp_modules && cd cpp_modules
git submodule add https://github.com/YukiWorkshop/cpp-dns
target_link_libraries(your_project cpp-dns)
#include <cpp-dns.hpp>
using namespace YukiWorkshop;
Create a new resolver instance with default nameservers.
DNSResolver d(io_svc);
Or with custom nameservers.
DNSResolver d(io_svc, {"", "", ""});
Get A records of google.com
d.resolve_a4("google.com", [](int err, auto& addrs, auto& qname, auto& cname, uint ttl){
if (!err) {
std::cout << "Query: " << qname << "\n";
std::cout << "CNAME: " << cname << "\n";
std::cout << "TTL: " << ttl << "\n";
for (auto &it : addrs) {
std::cout << "A Record: " << it.to_string() << "\n";
Get matrix
SRV records of riot.im
d.resolve_srv("riot.im", "matrix", "tcp", [&](int err, auto& hosts, auto& qname, auto& cname, uint ttl){
if (!err) {
std::cout << "Query: " << qname << "\n";
std::cout << "CNAME: " << cname << "\n";
std::cout << "TTL: " << ttl << "\n";
for (auto &it : hosts) {
std::cout << "SRV Record: " << it.priority << " " << it.weight << " " << it.port << " " << it.name << "\n";
See what's going wrong.
d.resolve_a4("kefpdngjvoeqjgp3rnskldv", [&](int err, auto& addrs, auto& qname, auto& cname, uint ttl){
std::cout << "Oops. " << DNSResolver::error_string(err) << "\n";
See Test.cpp for more examples.
Callback definitions are in DNSResolver.hpp.
Important notice: You need to prevent io_service
from stopping. Otherwise you'll need to recreate DNSResolver
since the UDP socket will get removed from io_service
when it stops.