StartVM (startvm) is a shell script to run and manage Bhyve virtual machines. It's a simple wrapper, indented to ease starting and stopping Bhyve VMs.
To install this script, just clone the Github repository and symlink startvm somewhere into your path. Rename system.cfg.sample to system.cfg and edit it to match your needs. The file must be in the same directory as the script itself!
The following kernel modules must be loaded:
The following ports are required:
(or any other compatible UEFI bootrom)net/tigervnc-client
Create a new directory in your VMDIR. The directory name is used as VM name, so do not use any character forbidden by Bhyve. Put a bhyve.cfg into it. If you need to override global options, put a startvm.cfg beside it. An example config is supplied. Now you're ready to start your VM:
Usage: ./ [vmname] cmd
- cons: Open a serial console to the guest
- halt: Send an ACPI shutdown request to the guest
- help: This message
- kill: Kill the VM
- list: List all known VMs
- run: Run the VM
- status: Show status
- vnc: Run vncviewer or print the VNC port