This Todos application is a user-friendly, web-based task management tool designed to help you keep track of your daily tasks and objectives. Built with .Net webAPI and Next.js, it provides a seamless and interactive experience for managing your to-do list.
- Add New Tasks: Easily add new tasks to your list.
- Delete Tasks: Remove tasks from the list.
- Persistent Storage: Tasks are stored and retrieved from a database to ensure persistence.
Follow this link to watch the application in production
- .NET Core SDK (Version 8)
- Node.js (Version 20 or later)
- A modern web browser
- PostgreSQL Server (running locally or remotely)
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project repository:
- cd Todos
Install dependencies for the backend:
- cd Todos.API - dotnet restore
Install dependencies for the frontend:
- cd ../ - cd todos.client - npm install
- Ensure your PostgreSQL server is running.
- Locate the
file in your project directory. - Modify the connection string in the
file to match your PostgreSQL server details: "ConnectionStrings": { "DefaultConnection": "Server=YOUR_SERVER;Port=YOUR_PORT;Database=YOUR_DATABASE;Username=YOUR_USERNAME;Password=YOUR_PASSWORD;" } ReplaceYOUR_SERVER
with your PostgreSQL server details. - Create the DataBase
- Open terminal at Todos.API
- dotnet ef database update
- Open terminal at Todos.API folder
- start the backend server:
cd Todos.API dotnet run
- Open separate terminal at todos.client folder
- Launch the frontend
npm run build npm start
npm run dev
- Ensure that the port is 3000
Contributions to the Todos application are welcome. Please follow the steps below to contribute:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch).
- Make your changes and commit them (git commit -am 'Add some feature').
- Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch).
- Create a new Pull Request.