After a series of discovery calls we found out a problem that our users are facing. They are having a hard time sharing their memories with friends and family. They are using a combination of social media, messaging apps, and email to share their memories. They are looking for a solution that allows them to store and share their memories in a single place.
As a first iteration for this solution, we want to build a web application that allows users to create a memory lane and share it with friends and family. A memory lane is a collection of events that happened in a chronological order. Each event consists of a title, a description, a timestamp, and at least one image.
You need a gmail account to test this app. Ideally to test all functionalities, you should have two Gmail Accounts, open one private and one public browsing tab conenct your gmail account to each tab respectively and test the app on both accounts.
- Fill up the env value with your own (or the one I shared by email)
- Open a terminal
npm i
.npm run dev
.- Open a second terminal
npm run serve:api
.- Enjoy !
- React
- Node
- typescript and javascript ES6
- React query (Hooks and QueryClient)
- Axios
- Zustand
- Sqlite
- Express
- Tailwind + Flowbite
- AWS S3 Bucket with pre-signed URL
- Google Oauth (use Tap)
- JWT stored in cookies (HTTP only)
A google App has been configured with scopes and credential in order to have Google Oauth running In order to have a scalable and secure way to upload pictures, an S3 bucket has been created along a specific IAM user using this role policy :
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
I also created a simple CORS policy for the S3 Bucket
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "PublicReadGetObject",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::BucketName/*"
Cloud Apps, Buckets, Credentials, Users and policies will be removed in 2 weeks.
After a first iteration few things were left on the backlog about performance, authentication and social features :
- Having the Landing page served through SSR or even SSG by building and placing the static assets in a CDN such as Cloudfront. It will better SEO and performance.
- Having Multiple Stores instead of one large one. Decoupling and increasing coherence.
- Reducing the amount of Modals giving a clear user path.
- Developing features to enhance profile personnalisation such as uploading a new profile picture, changing your name, adding a personal description etc ...
- Let user visit their friends feed.
- Adding new ways to log in (email + password and 2FA, Apple Oauth, Facebook Oauth)
- Developing sharing features such as Friend tagging using the memory_participant table.
- Adding versioning for picture uploading on S3 bucket. this would allow to have multiple version of a file.
- Adding comments and reactions.
- Having multiple pictures per memory.
- Invalidate friend request and deletion queries
- Having an elastic dynamic search through users profile while searching for friends
- Notification system
- Account Recovery
- Adding a favicon
Yacine Belaid For any inquiry contact me : [email protected]