A set of modding tools for the Ratchet & Clank PS2 games.
Current features include an ISO extractor/builder, a level editor, facilities for extracting textures, and a number of command line tools for development.
For build instructions, see the Build section below. For usage instructions, see the User Guide. To find out which games are compatible, see the Compatibility Matrix. For information on the game's file formats, see the Formats Guide.
Install the following dependencies and tools:
- git
- cmake
- g++ 8 or newer
- xorg-dev (needed to build GLFW)
- zenity
cd into the directory above where you want Wrench to live e.g.
cd ~/code
. -
Download the source code and additional dependencies using Git:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/chaoticgd/wrench
cd into the newly created directory:
cd wrench
Build it with cmake:
cmake . && cmake --build . -- -j8
(in the above example 8 threads are used)
Install the following tools:
- git
- Visual Studio (with desktop C++/cmake support)
Open a Visual Studio developer command prompt.
cd into the directory above where you want Wrench to live e.g.
cd c:\code
. -
Download the source code and dependencies using Git:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/chaoticgd/wrench
cd into the newly created directory:
cd wrench
Build it with cmake:
cmake . && cmake --build .