Monterey Release
This github tag is tied to the PYNQ-Z1 v2.1 SDCard image.
Within that image file, PYNQ v2.1 is already installed. Updates to PYNQ since the last release include:
Microblaze Programming
a. IPython magics added for Jupyter programming of Microblazes.
b. Microblaze pyprintf, RPC, and Python-callable function generation added.
c. New notebooks added to demonstrate the programming APIs. -
Version Updates
a. Upgraded to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
b. Upgraded kernel to tagged Xilinx 2017.4 release.
c. Upgraded all overlays to build with Vivado 2017.4. -
IP Changes
a. IO switch refactored for portability to new boards and interfaces.
b. Microblaze hierarchical blocks refactored for portability to new boards and interfaces.
c. Logictools pattern generator can drive tri-state control each clock cycle. -
a. Jupyter now listens on both :80 and :9090 ports.
b. Added the jupyter_notebooks_advanced_features.ipynb notebook into the getting_started folder.