🔭 I’m working on many SCP:SL servers
🔭 我是很多SCP:SL中国服务器的技术
🌱 I’m currently learning more knowledge about the language I have learned
🌱 我还在学习更多关于我所学语言的知识
👯 I want to collaborate with more technical personnel and server owners
👯 我想和更多技术人员和服主合作
🤔 I’m looking for help with Harmony Patch
🤔 我还是不太了解Harmony,为了更好的开发我希望有人能在这方面帮助我
🔮 I like playing War Thunder
🔮 没错我是雷批
📪 Drop me an email at [email protected]
📪 给我发邮件到 [email protected]
🐧 QQ:3298837494
Bilibili: 很皮的X小左
Discord: XLittleLeft