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Client-side JavaScript exception and tracing library for Apache SkyWalking APM.


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Apache SkyWalking Client JS

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Apache SkyWalking Client-side JavaScript exception and tracing library.

  • Provide metrics and error collection to SkyWalking backend.
  • Lightweight
  • Make browser as a start of whole distributed tracing

NOTICE, SkyWalking Client JS 0.8.0 and later versions require SkyWalking v9.



The skywalking-client-js runtime library is available at npm.

npm install skywalking-client-js --save

Quick Start

skywalking-client-js requires SkyWalking 8.2+

User could use register method to load and report data automatically.

import ClientMonitor from 'skywalking-client-js';
// Report collected data to `http:// + + /browser/perfData` in default
  # Use core/default/restPort in the OAP server.
  # If External Communication Channels are activated, `receiver-sharing-server/default/restPort`,
  # ref to
  collector: '', 
  service: 'test-ui',
  pagePath: '/current/page/name',
  serviceVersion: 'v1.0.0',


The register method supports the following parameters.

Parameter Type Description Required Default Value
collector String In default, the collected data would be reported to current domain(/browser/perfData. Then, typically, we recommend you use a Gateway/proxy to redirect the data to the OAP(resthost:restport). If you set this, the data could be reported to another domain, NOTE the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) issuse and solution. false -
service String project ID. true -
serviceVersion String project verison true -
pagePath String project path true -
jsErrors Boolean Support js errors monitoring false true
apiErrors Boolean Support API errors monitoring false true
resourceErrors Boolean Support resource errors monitoring false true
useFmp Boolean Collect FMP (first meaningful paint) data of the first screen false false
enableSPA Boolean Monitor the page hashchange event and report PV, which is suitable for single page application scenarios false false
autoTracePerf Boolean Support sending of performance data automatically. false true
vue Vue Support vue errors monitoring false undefined
traceSDKInternal Boolean Support tracing SDK internal RPC. false false
detailMode Boolean Support tracing http method and url as tags in spans. false true
noTraceOrigins (string | RegExp)[] Origin in the noTraceOrigins list will not be traced. false []
traceTimeInterval Number Support setting time interval to report segments. false 60000

Collect Metrics Manually

Use the setPerformance method to report metrics at the moment of page loaded or any other moment meaningful.

  1. Set the SDK configuration item autoTracePerf to false to turn off automatic reporting performance metrics and wait for manual triggering of escalation.
  2. Call ClientMonitor.setPerformance(object) method to report
  • Examples
import ClientMonitor from 'skywalking-client-js';

  collector: '',
  service: 'browser-app',
  serviceVersion: '1.0.0',
  pagePath: location.href,
  useFmp: true

Special scene

SPA Page

In spa (single page application) single page application, the page will be refreshed only once. The traditional method only reports PV once after the page loading, but cannot count the PV of each sub-page, and can't make other types of logs aggregate by sub-page.
The SDK provides two processing methods for spa pages:

  1. Enable spa automatic parsing
    This method is suitable for most single page application scenarios with URL hash as the route.
    In the initialized configuration item, set enableSPA to true, which will turn on the page's hashchange event listening (trigger re reporting PV), and use URL hash as the page field in other data reporting.
  2. Manual reporting
    This method can be used in all single page application scenarios. This method can be used if the first method is invalid.
    The SDK provides a set page method to manually update the page name when data is reported. When this method is called, the page PV will be re reported by default. For details, see setPerformance().
app.on('routeChange', function (next) {
    collector: '',
    service: 'browser-app',
    serviceVersion: '1.0.0',
    pagePath: location.href,
    useFmp: true

Tracing range of data requests in the browser

Support tracking these(XMLHttpRequest and Fetch API) two modes of data requests. At the same time, Support tracking libraries and tools that base on XMLHttpRequest and fetch, such as Axios, SuperAgent, OpenApi and so on.

Catching errors in frames, including React, Angular, Vue.

// Angular
import { ErrorHandler } from '@angular/core';
import ClientMonitor from 'skywalking-client-js';
export class AppGlobalErrorhandler implements ErrorHandler {
  handleError(error) {
      collector: '',
      service: 'angular-demo',
      pagePath: '/app',
      serviceVersion: 'v1.0.0',
    }, error);
  providers: [{provide: ErrorHandler, useClass: AppGlobalErrorhandler}]
class AppModule {}
// React
class ErrorBoundary extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { hasError: false };

  static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {
    // Update state so the next render will show the fallback UI.
    return { hasError: true };

  componentDidCatch(error, errorInfo) {
    // You can also log the error to an error reporting service
      collector: '',
      service: 'react-demo',
      pagePath: '/app',
      serviceVersion: 'v1.0.0',
    }, error);

  render() {
    if (this.state.hasError) {
      // You can render any custom fallback UI
      return <h1>Something went wrong.</h1>;

    return this.props.children; 
  <MyWidget />
// Vue
Vue.config.errorHandler = (error) => {
    collector: '',
    service: 'vue-demo',
    pagePath: '/app',
    serviceVersion: 'v1.0.0',
  }, error);

Demo project

Demo project provides instrumented web application with necessary environment, you could just simple use it to see the data SkyWalking collected and how SkyWalking visualizes on the UI. See more information, click here.

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All committers should follow Release Guide to publish the official release.


Apache 2.0


Client-side JavaScript exception and tracing library for Apache SkyWalking APM.







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  • TypeScript 80.0%
  • Python 9.6%
  • JavaScript 7.8%
  • Makefile 2.6%