This is an application meant to help people like me dip their toes into machine learning and it's potential for learning new languages. In its current form, JpDrawApplication is a functional demo piece showing specific models being used to predict what character is drawn by the user.
It should also be stated that this application is a part of a summer independent study for my own personal education. Prior to this application, I had zero knowledge in machine learning. But! That's all the more reason to try applying it in a cool application! It's personally how I learn best and make the mistakes as early as I can.
The current model being used is K-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) Model. It is a supervised model that is very easy to use and train. The only requirements to use the model are images with corresponding labeling for each.
The model is found in the resource folder with a .opknn extension. There should be an .txt file in the directory that allows the numeric labeling to be tied to the images in the resource folder.
Currently, kNN is being used as it's very straight forward model to use. It's not the most accurate/robust model, however, It's a very good teaching tool! Future models will be implemented, likely as seperate branches.
For this iteration the ETL Database is being used as it provides japanese character with cooresponding labeling for each. More specifically: ETL7LC and ETL7SC is the target set as they contain hirigana characters for our uses. The dataset provides png images that must be sliced and csv files with character labeling for each.
Below is the link to the dataset:
- Make
- CMake
- Git
- GCC/G++
- Qt5
- OpenCV (Most recent version)
- GTest
The application is built primarily using C++, Qt-gui framework, OpenCV, and GTest. These are the libraries I knew/wanted to learn so they are used in this project. Its a nice blend of a lot of things and should serve as a good reference for students wanting to blend packages together.
These instructions will assume a Linux environment (This project was made on ubuntu based distro). Windows build is possible, however, it requires more in-depth instructions that may be added later.
- git clone
- cd JpDrawApplication
- mkdir Build ; cd Build
- cmake ..
- make -j 4
And you should be set! You may come across issues with CMake being unable to find packages like OpenCV and Qt.
Once built and launched. A small window will appear with a black box (White box is also normal). This is the drawing area where you can play around with the application! Once you draw the image, you can select "Compare Layer" button. This button will process the image you have drawn and attempt to predict what character was drawn. For instance it will extract your drawn image, rescale, and filtered to prepare it for the kNN model. Once fed, the model will output a numeric value that will then be used to bring up the character the model predicted. Good Fun!
For anyone interested in how i extracted, processed, and trained the current K-Nearest Neighbor model:
This document contains the timeline, experiments, theories, and discoveries made during the development of this application. I would encourage anyone who is interested in how the machine learning side of the project evolved to give it a read!
Personally want to thank Dr. Banerjee at WSU for providing help and insight into the world of Machine Learning!
Also want to thank my close friends who encouraged me during the development of this project! Ya'll are also cool lads!