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@madeline-scyphers madeline-scyphers released this 15 Oct 01:23
· 12 commits to dev since this release

What's Changed

DRAM v2 is wrapped in Nextflow due to its innate scalability on HPCs and containerization, ensuring rigorous reproducibility and version control, thus making it ideally suited for high-performance computing environments. It was also containerized to give users the option to use with Docker, Singularity or other container runtimes, or still with Conda. Databases have also now been largely preformatted for users. All of this is part of the goal making DRAM easier to install and use, as well as easier to scale.

Pre Beta

  • Nextflow initial wrapping
  • DRAM package restructuring for Nextflow
  • Database preformatting changes
  • Containerization

Previous Betas from old repo

Beta 1


Beta 3

  • Move from DRAM2 name back to DRAM
  • Moving DRAM Nextflow Configuration to split better between internal and user

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v2.0.0-beta3