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Tips for Modders

  1. Generate/Download Assembly-CSharp.pdb and put it under worldbox_Data/Managed together with Assembly-CSharp.dll. So that, you can get detailed stacktrace when an exception happens.
  2. Got Assembly-CSharp.xml and put it together with the Assembly-CSharp.dll your .csproj referenced. So that, you can get unofficial document for Assembly-CSharp.dll.


  1. 使用ILSpy/dotPeek为Assembly-CSharp.dll生成.pdb文件并放到worldbox_Data/Managed下, 当报错时, 可以得到详细的调用堆栈(显示具体行号, 以生成pdb文件的反编译器为准)
  2. 获取Assembly-CSharp.xml并和你的.csproj文件引用的Assembly-CSharp.dll放在一起, 能够获取非官方的Assembly-CSharp.dll的文档

What does WorldBoxOpenMods provide

  1. Maintain ModLoader, Documentation and Mod Tutorials.
  2. Maintain outdated mods in this organization if neccessary
  3. A communication platform which might brought better compatibility between mods.


  1. 维护模组加载器, 文档, 以及指南/教程
  2. 维护组织中其他不再更新的模组
  3. 提供交流平台, 可能可以让模组之间兼容性更好?

How To Join in

Just send an email titled "WorldBoxOpenMods" and with your github username as content and your mod as attachment to [email protected]. Then wait for at most a week.


[email protected]发送一封标题为"WorldBoxOpenMods", 正文为你的github用户id, 并将你的mod(质量不作要求, 只要求原创并且有实际内容)作为附件的邮件. 然后等待最多一周时间. 不需要额外的沟通, 不必思考如何发起对话.

Pinned Loading

  1. ModLoader ModLoader Public

    A new mod loader for WorldBox

    C# 40 4


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