Adds a maintenance page for non logged-in users
- Put this folder to your wp-content/plugins/ folder.
- Activate the plugin in "Plugins" admin section.
Each method is overwritten by the next one.
You can edit the page content in the admin page.
You can use the hooks and filters of the default page ( called before the "init" action at priority 99 ) :
- wpumaintenance_head (action) : Load content in the HEAD of this page.
- wpumaintenance_header (action) : Load content after the opening BODY of this page.
- wpumaintenance_footer (action) : Load content before the closing BODY of this page.
- wpumaintenance_pagetitle (filter) : Set a custom page title.
- wpumaintenance_content (filter) : Replace the content of the body (by default : title & admin sentence)
If you place a file named "maintenance.php", "maintenance.html" or "index.html" in the folder wpumaintenance/ of your active theme, it will be included instead of the default maintenance page.