Quickly Create a WordPress Plugin
Go to your favorite tools folder :
git clone https://github.com/WordPressUtilities/WPUPluginCreator
Add CLI shortcut :
. WPUPluginCreator/inc/installer.sh;
- Add an installer.
- Add WPUBasePlugin as submodule for the tool.
- Ask the plugin name, generate Class Name & Project ID.
- Generate a simple plugin skeleton with basic hooks.
- Add translation (ask language).
- Add a settings page.
- Load CSS in back-office.
- Load JS in back-office.
- Load CSS in front-office.
- Load JS in front-office.
- Add an admin page.
- Add a database option.
- Add messages.
- [~] Register a post-type (ask id / name).
- Default content for generated CSS/JS assets (with placeholder replace).
- Register a taxonomy (ask id / name).
- Add a plugin update option.
- Unit tests.
- Self update.
- Ask the plugin repository ( to clone or add as a remote )
- Check if this is a WordPress plugin folder ? ( Just an alert, non blocking )