Displays a cylindrical projection of a panoramic image.
The includes can be added to the HTML document:
<link href="./css/photo-cylinder.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="./js/photo-cylinder.js" type="module"></script>
Or as a Javascript module:
@import { Photocylinder } from "js/photo-cylinder.js";
new PhotoCylinder({
'url': photo.href,
'sequence': urls,
'container': document.body,
'fov': 180,
'idle': 0.1,
'navigated': (url) => {},
'opened': (url) => {},
'closed': () => {}
url : {String} - The URL of the image.
sequence : {Array} - An optinal array or image URLs to display in sequence.
container : {DOM Element} - Restrict the popup to this container.
fov : {Integer} - Whether to use a 180 or a 360 degree field of view.
idle : {Float} - Steps in degrees to rotate when idle.
navigated : {Function} - Function that gets called when the next image in the sequence is shown.
opened : {Function} - Function that gets called when the viewer is opened.
closed : {Function} - Function that gets called when the viewer is closed.
This work is licensed under a MIT License. The latest version of this and other scripts by the same author can be found on Github.