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Server Communication

Willi Bölke edited this page May 28, 2020 · 6 revisions

In General

The Package ServerCommunicationcontains all Classens wich directly communicates with the the Server


Wraps the Apache FTPClient to our needs.

Provides the methods

  • connect() which connects to the server defined in Variables
  • closeConnection which logout and disconects from the server
  • getDirList(String path)which returns an array FTPFile[] which contains all directories. you can leave path ass an empty string ("") if you want the server to read from the standard directory or you can choose a specific directory by setting path to "/namOfYourDir"


Lists directories hosted on FTP Remote Server.


Lists files hosted on FTP Remote Server


Downloads files from FTP Remote Server


Contains all needed information about the Server such as IP address, ports and (ftp) user ingerdients. You need to chane the in case you host your own Server on a different location.