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feat: integrate ExerciseStatsChart and Accordion for enhanced exercis…
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WhyAsh5114 committed Jan 3, 2025
1 parent d0b7c91 commit 42b4b2b
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Showing 4 changed files with 291 additions and 247 deletions.
249 changes: 2 additions & 247 deletions src/routes/exercise-stats/+page.svelte
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,255 +1,10 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { invalidateAll } from '$app/navigation';
import { Button } from '$lib/components/ui/button/index.js';
import * as Command from '$lib/components/ui/command/index.js';
import { Input } from '$lib/components/ui/input/index.js';
import { Label } from '$lib/components/ui/label/index.js';
import * as Popover from '$lib/components/ui/popover/index.js';
import * as Select from '$lib/components/ui/select';
import { RangeCalendar } from '$lib/components/ui/range-calendar/index.js';
import H2 from '$lib/components/ui/typography/H2.svelte';
import { trpc } from '$lib/trpc/client.js';
import type { RouterOutputs } from '$lib/trpc/router';
import { dateToCalendarDate } from '$lib/utils';
import { cn } from '$lib/utils.js';
import { DateFormatter, getLocalTimeZone } from '@internationalized/date';
import type { DateRange, Selected } from 'bits-ui';
import { toast } from 'svelte-sonner';
import CalendarIcon from 'virtual:icons/lucide/calendar';
import ChevronsUpDown from 'virtual:icons/lucide/chevrons-up-down';
import FilterIcon from 'virtual:icons/lucide/filter';
import RenameIcon from 'virtual:icons/lucide/folder-pen';
import LoaderCircle from 'virtual:icons/lucide/loader-circle';
import WorkoutExerciseCard from '../workouts/[workoutId]/(components)/WorkoutExerciseCard.svelte';
import ExerciseStatsChart from './ExerciseStatsChart.svelte';
type WorkoutExercise = RouterOutputs['workouts']['getExerciseHistory'][number];
type BasicExerciseData = Pick<WorkoutExercise, 'name' | 'targetMuscleGroup' | 'customMuscleGroup'>;
const df = new DateFormatter('en-US', {
dateStyle: 'medium'
import ExerciseStats from './ExerciseStats.svelte';
let { data } = $props();
let exercisesByMuscleGroup = $state<{ group: string; exercises: BasicExerciseData[] }[]>();
let renameExerciseOpen = $state(false);
let newExerciseName = $state<string>();
let renamingExercise = $state(false);
let searchText = $state('');
let searchOpen = $state(true);
let selectedExercise = $state<string>();
let exerciseInstances = $state<WorkoutExercise[]>();
let filteredExercisesByMuscleGroup = $derived(
?.filter((g) => g.exercises.some((ex) =>
.map(({ group, exercises }) => ({
exercises: exercises.filter((ex) =>
})) ?? []
let dateRange: DateRange = $state({
start: dateToCalendarDate(new Date()),
end: dateToCalendarDate(new Date())
let mesocycleNames = $ => {
if (!exerciseInstances) return [];
return Array.from(new Set( => ex.workout.workoutOfMesocycle? ?? null)));
let selectedMesocycleNames: Selected<string | null>[] = $state([]);
let filteredExerciseInstances = $ => {
if (!exerciseInstances) return [];
return exerciseInstances.filter((ex) => {
const date = dateToCalendarDate(ex.workout.startedAt);
if (dateRange.start && dateRange.start > date) return false;
if (dateRange.end && dateRange.end < date) return false;
if (
selectedMesocycleNames.length > 0 &&
!selectedMesocycleNames.some((s) => s.value === (ex.workout.workoutOfMesocycle? ?? null))
return false;
return true;
$effect(() => {
selectedExercise = undefined;
exercisesByMuscleGroup = undefined;
searchText = '';
searchOpen = true;
exerciseInstances = [];
renameExerciseOpen = false;
async function loadExercises() {
const exerciseList = await data.exerciseList;
exercisesByMuscleGroup = Object.entries(
Object.groupBy(exerciseList, (ex) => ex.customMuscleGroup ?? ex.targetMuscleGroup)
).map(([group, exercises]) => ({
exercises: exercises!.filter((ex) => ex !== undefined)
async function selectExercise(name: string) {
searchText = name;
searchOpen = false;
selectedExercise = name;
exerciseInstances = await trpc().workouts.getExerciseHistory.query({ exerciseName: name });
dateRange.start = dateToCalendarDate(exerciseInstances[exerciseInstances.length - 1].workout.startedAt);
dateRange.end = dateToCalendarDate(exerciseInstances[0].workout.startedAt);
async function renameExercise(e: SubmitEvent) {
renamingExercise = true;
const { count } = await trpc().users.renameExercises.mutate({
oldName: selectedExercise!,
newName: newExerciseName!
toast.success(`Renamed ${count} exercises`);
await invalidateAll();
renamingExercise = false;

<H2>Exercise stats</H2>

<div class="flex gap-1">
<Popover.Root bind:open={searchOpen}>
<Popover.Trigger asChild let:builder>
<Button builders={[builder]} variant="outline" role="combobox" class="mb-2 grow justify-between truncate">
<span class="truncate">{selectedExercise ?? 'Search for an exercise'}</span>
<ChevronsUpDown class="ml-2 h-4 w-4 shrink-0 opacity-50" />
<Popover.Content sameWidth>
<Command.Root class="mb-6 h-fit" shouldFilter={false}>
<Command.Input placeholder="Type here" bind:value={searchText} />
{#if exercisesByMuscleGroup === undefined}
class="flex h-full w-full flex-row items-center justify-center gap-2 p-4 text-sm text-muted-foreground"
<LoaderCircle class="animate-spin" />
<span>Fetching exercises...</span>
<Command.Empty>No results found.</Command.Empty>
{#each filteredExercisesByMuscleGroup as { group, exercises }}
<Command.Group heading={group}>
{#each exercises as ex}
<Command.Item onclick={() => selectExercise(}>{}</Command.Item>
<Popover.Root bind:open={renameExerciseOpen}>
<Popover.Trigger asChild let:builder>
aria-label="Rename exercise"
disabled={selectedExercise === undefined}
<RenameIcon />
<Popover.Content class="w-fit">
<span class="font-semibold">Bulk rename to</span>
<form class="my-2 flex w-full max-w-sm flex-col gap-1.5" onsubmit={renameExercise}>
<Label for="new-name">New name</Label>
<Input required id="new-name" placeholder="Type here" bind:value={newExerciseName} />
<Button size="sm" type="submit" disabled={renamingExercise}>
{#if renamingExercise}
<LoaderCircle class="animate-spin" />
<Popover.Trigger asChild let:builder>
aria-label="Filter exercises"
disabled={(exerciseInstances?.length ?? 0) === 0}
<FilterIcon />
<Popover.Content class="w-fit">
<span class="font-semibold">Filter by date</span>
<div class="my-2 flex w-full max-w-sm flex-col gap-1.5">
<Popover.Root openFocus>
<Popover.Trigger asChild let:builder>
class={cn('w-[300px] justify-start text-left font-normal', !dateRange && 'text-muted-foreground')}
<CalendarIcon class="mr-2 h-4 w-4" />
{#if dateRange && dateRange.start}
{#if dateRange.end}
{df.format(dateRange.start.toDate(getLocalTimeZone()))} - {df.format(
{:else if dateRange.start}
Pick a date
<Popover.Content class="w-auto p-0" align="start">
<RangeCalendar bind:value={dateRange} initialFocus placeholder={dateRange?.start} />
<span class="font-semibold">Filter by mesocycles</span>
<Select.Root multiple bind:selected={selectedMesocycleNames}>
<Select.Trigger class="w-[300px]">
<Select.Value placeholder="All mesocycles" />
{#each mesocycleNames as mesocycleName}
<Select.Item class={cn({ italic: mesocycleName === null })} value={mesocycleName}>
{mesocycleName === null ? 'Non-mesocycle' : mesocycleName}

<div class="flex flex-col gap-2">
{#if selectedExercise}
<ExerciseStatsChart {selectedExercise} exercises={filteredExerciseInstances} />
{#if exerciseInstances}
{#each filteredExerciseInstances as instance}
<WorkoutExerciseCard exercise={instance} date={new Date(instance.workout.startedAt)} />
<ExerciseStats {data} />

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