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This is the repository for Project Spot Fetch a Drink at Aalto University.

In this project, we are going to develop a voice command and object detection functionality for the Spot Robot, the package has been tested on

  • Ubuntu 18.04 with ROS Melodic
  • Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS Noetic

Upon project completion, Spot would become a nice life assistant, which is able to take voice command from you and perform tasks, like fetching an object and going somewhere. The applications of this project includes routine inspection and damage fixing in a large factory plant, autonomous guiding for blind people and daily care for the elderly/children or disabled people.

Setting up your branch

Get this repo and create your own branch.

  • Open a terminal where you wish to store the files

  • Clone the repo with git clone Spot_Masters

  • Navigate to the folder cd Spot_Masters

  • Create your branch git checkout -b your_branch_name

  • Push to remote and create a remote branch git push origin your_branch_name

  • Keep track of the remote branch you just created git checkout -b your_branch_name --track <remote>/your_branch_name

Then you are on your own branch, and you can work on your own module, say create some new functionality for the project.

If you want to work on a sub-branch of your branch, like develop some new features based on your module.

  • Create a new branch based on your existing branch git checkout -b some-feature your_branch_name

  • When you have done this new feature, add the new files or modified files to git git add path_to_files

  • commit the change git commit -m "developed a feature to do something"

  • Merge the new feature to your branch (merging branch to main branch is similar)

git pull origin your_branch_name
git checkout your_branch_name
git merge --no-ff some-feature
git push origin your_branch_name

Install and run Champ Simulator

This step involves the following repos

The following codes will use catkin tools , you can install it with sudo apt-get install python-catkin-tools. You can of course use catkin_make instead of catkin build.

conda deactivate 
mkdir -p ~/Spot_Project/catkin_ws/src

cd ~/Spot_Project/catkin_ws/
source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
catkin init

sudo apt install -y python-rosdep

# install champ simulator, spot driver for gazebo and robot configs
cd ~/git
git clone --recursive
git clone
git clone -b gazebo
git clone

# create symbolic link to the catkin workspace
ln -s ~/git/champ/ ~/Spot_Project/catkin_ws/src/
ln -s ~/git/champ_teleop/ ~/Spot_Project/catkin_ws/src/
ln -s ~/git/spot_ros/ ~/Spot_Project/catkin_ws/src/
ln -s ~/git/robots/ ~/Spot_Project/catkin_ws/src/

cd ~/Spot_Project/catkin_ws/
sudo rosdep fix-permissions
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -y

# build those packages, takes a little time 
catkin build
source ~/Spot_Project/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

# teleop demo
roslaunch spot_config bringup.launch rviz:=true
roslaunch champ_teleop teleop.launch

And you can move the robot with keyboard


Setup the Navigation

By starting the navigation node, the teleop option can be omitted:

# Start the node
roslaunch robot_op robot_op.launch

Setup Speech Recognition

This section summarizes the installation guide here

Build PocketSphinx-Python from source

sudo apt-get install python python-all-dev python-pip build-essential swig git libpulse-dev libasound2-dev
python -m pip install pocketsphinx

Install python SpeechRecognition package, pyAudio

sudo apt-get install python-pyaudio python3-pyaudio
python -m pip install google-cloud-speech
python -m pip install SpeechRecognition

Install ros speech recognition package, then fix a small bug. (for ROS noetic, just change ros distribution name from melodic to noetic)

sudo apt install ros-melodic-ros-speech-recognition
roscd ros_speech_recognition/launch/
sudo gedit speech_recognition.launch

modify the default device number in speech_recognition.launch from "" to "0" on line number 9, to make the default parameters work (or enter device:=0 when launching ros_speech_recognition.launch)

<arg name="device" default="0" /> 

Modify line 160 of rospy/impl/

cd lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospy/impl
sudo gedit
# then modify line 160 into  `(e_errno, msg) = e.args`, i.e., delete the third output variable "*_"

Setup NLP Part

# NLTK natural language toolkit, last version with python 2.7 support
python -m pip install nltk==3.4.5
# install aria2c for multi thread download
sudo apt install snapd
sudo snap install aria2c
# download the library
aria2c -x 4
mv ./stanford-corenlp-4.2.0/ ./CoreNLP
cd CoreNLP
# download an additional model
aria2c -x 4

run CoreNLP server and Speech Recognition

export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:~/Spot_Project/CoreNLP/*:
cd ~/Spot_Project/CoreNLP
java -mx4g -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer \
-preload tokenize,ssplit,pos,lemma,ner,parse,depparse \
-status_port 9000 -port 9000 -timeout 15000 &
# Then start the node
roslaunch ros_speech_recognition speech_recognition.launch engine:=Google device:=0
rosrun spot_audio_command scripts/

Then you can speak to the microphone to test the speech node, for example "Hey Alice, can you fetch me a drink from the kitchen". Be sure to start with "hey robot_name".

Setup Object Detection Node

# Note: Object Detection tested on Noetic, but should work with Melodic and python2 as well. 
sudo apt install python3-rosdep2
rosdep update
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y --rosdistro noetic

# Clone the darknet repo and follow the setup instructions
cd ~/Spot_Project/catkin_ws/src/
git clone --recursive [email protected]:leggedrobotics/darknet_ros.git

# Make sure to install cuda using 
sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit

Confirm with nvcc --version and nvidia-smi commands that it is installed correctly

If you are on Noetic, make sure to replace BGR8 with RGB8 in ~/Spot_Project/catkin_ws/src/darknet_ros/darknet_ros/src/YoloObjectDetector.cpp on lines 165 and 196 in case if the image colors look wrong.

If you want to use the custom model specifically trained to detect simulation models, you can download our weights from [yolov3.weights+configuration](not available yet) or, if you'd like to trade accuracy for speed: yolov3_tiny.weights+configuration. The instructions for setting up custom weights can be found on Better instructions for training can be found at

Follow the below steps in order to create your own object detection dataset based on simulation models.

  1. Place the models in an empty gazebo world.
  2. Press the 'Record a Video' option on top right corner of gazebo. This will start recording the camera scene of gazebo.
  3. Use your mouse to rotate around the object and collect views from different angles and orientation of the model.
  4. To convert the video into images, run this command in the directory the video is saved in: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -qscale:v 2 output_%03d.jpg
  5. Alternatively, use, for example, for capturing /camera/image_raw topic (not recommended)
  6. Delete any pictures that do not contain the object and start annotating the images with their respective classes using the annotation tool available at You might have to run sudo apt-get install python3-pil python3-pil.imagetk

After labeling is done, just train it as you would train a regular Yolo model at ~/Spot_Project/catkin_ws/src/darknet_ros/darknet

Our trained model includes the following classes:

- beer
- coke
- extinguisher
- hammer
- screwdriver
- wrench
- person
- cylinder (test mode for grasping)
- cube (test mode for grasping)

If you are missing these models in your gazebo environment, clone this repo to your source folder and add the directory to gazebo git clone or copy them directly from ~/Spot_Project/catkin_ws/src/models

# If you haven't yet started the simulator do so 

cd ~/Spot_Project/catkin_ws/
source ./devel/setup.bash
roslaunch champ_gazebo spawn_world.launch    
roslaunch spot_config spawn_robot.launch world_init_x:=-2 world_init_y:=1

If the compiler complains about the g++ gcc version, try the following fix

# Start image processing node
# The darknet_ros package will start automatically 
roslaunch image_processing image_processing.launch

If everything is done correctly, it should be posting XYZ coordinates of the detected object to /object_detection topic whenever there is a request.

Setup Grasping and Object Detection Node

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-fetch-gazebo-demo #best melodic, not test on noetic
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
  • spot simulation
roslaunch fetch_gazebo playground.launch 
roslaunch spot_config spawn_robot.launch world_init_x:=1 world_init_y:=5 
roslaunch fetch_gazebo_demo demo_spot.launch 
  • fetch simulation
roslaunch fetch_gazebo playground.launch 
roslaunch fetch_gazebo fetch.launch 
roslaunch fetch_gazebo_demo demo.launch 
roslaunch image_processing image_processing_old.launch 
  • multi-robot simulation
roslaunch fetch_gazebo playground.launch
roslaunch spot_config spawn_robot.launch robot_name:=/spot world_init_x:=1 world_init_y:=5
roslaunch fetch_gazebo fetch.launch 
roslaunch multiple_robot_nav navigation.launch
  • spot with arm simulation
sudo apt install -y python-rosdep
cd <your_ws>/src
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
cd ..
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
roslaunch spot_manipulator gazebo.launch
roslaunch spot_manipulator move_group.launch
roslaunch spot_manipulator_gui spot_manipulator_gui.launch
roslaunch champ_teleop teleop.launch

For final demo

  • If you finish all the setup, you can use the following command for automatically grasping and placing.
roslaunch fetch_gazebo playground.launch 
roslaunch fetch_gazebo fetch.launch 
roslaunch fetch_gazebo_demo demo.launch 
roslaunch image_processing image_processing_old.launch 


Repo for Project Spot Fetch a Drink at Aalto University






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