OpenapiClient - the Ruby gem for the WhatsAPI Go
The V2 of WhatsAPI Go
This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 2.0
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen
To build the Ruby code into a gem:
gem build openapi_client.gemspec
Then either install the gem locally:
gem install ./openapi_client-1.0.0.gem
(for development, run gem install --dev ./openapi_client-1.0.0.gem
to install the development dependencies)
or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.
Finally add this to the Gemfile:
gem 'openapi_client', '~> 1.0.0'
If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:
gem 'openapi_client', :git => ''
Include the Ruby code directly using -I
as follows:
ruby -Ilib script.rb
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
# Load the gem
require 'openapi_client'
# Setup authorization
OpenapiClient.configure do |config|
# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
config.api_key['ApiKeyAuth'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
# Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
# config.api_key_prefix['ApiKeyAuth'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance =
instance_key = 'instance_key_example' # String | Instance key
#Fetches the catlog.
result = api_instance.fetch_catlog(instance_key)
p result
rescue OpenapiClient::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling BusinessManagementApi->fetch_catlog: #{e}"
All URIs are relative to /api
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
OpenapiClient::BusinessManagementApi | fetch_catlog | GET /instances/{instance_key}/business/catalog | Fetches the catlog. |
OpenapiClient::BusinessManagementApi | send_payment_request | POST /instances/{instance_key}/business/payment-request | Send a payment request. |
OpenapiClient::GroupManagementApi | add_participant | POST /instances/{instance_key}/groups/{group_id}/participants/add | Add participant. |
OpenapiClient::GroupManagementApi | create_group | POST /instances/{instance_key}/groups/create | Create group. |
OpenapiClient::GroupManagementApi | demote_participant | PUT /instances/{instance_key}/groups/{group_id}/participants/demote | Demote participant. |
OpenapiClient::GroupManagementApi | get_admin_groups | GET /instances/{instance_key}/groups/admin | Get admin groups. |
OpenapiClient::GroupManagementApi | get_all_groups | GET /instances/{instance_key}/groups/ | Get all groups. |
OpenapiClient::GroupManagementApi | get_all_participants | GET /instances/{instance_key}/groups/{group_id}/participants | Get all participants. |
OpenapiClient::GroupManagementApi | get_group | GET /instances/{instance_key}/groups/{group_id} | Get group. |
OpenapiClient::GroupManagementApi | get_group_from_invite_link | GET /instances/{instance_key}/groups/invite-info | Get group from invite link. |
OpenapiClient::GroupManagementApi | get_group_invite_code | GET /instances/{instance_key}/groups/{group_id}/invite-code | Get group invite code. |
OpenapiClient::GroupManagementApi | join_group_with_link | GET /instances/{instance_key}/groups/join | Join group with invite code. |
OpenapiClient::GroupManagementApi | leave_group | DELETE /instances/{instance_key}/groups/{group_id}/ | Leaves the group. |
OpenapiClient::GroupManagementApi | promote_participant | PUT /instances/{instance_key}/groups/{group_id}/participants/promote | Promote participant. |
OpenapiClient::GroupManagementApi | remove_participant | DELETE /instances/{instance_key}/groups/{group_id}/participants/remove | Remove participant. |
OpenapiClient::GroupManagementApi | set_group_announce | PUT /instances/{instance_key}/groups/{group_id}/announce | Set group announce. |
OpenapiClient::GroupManagementApi | set_group_description | PUT /instances/{instance_key}/groups/{group_id}/description | Set group description. |
OpenapiClient::GroupManagementApi | set_group_locked | PUT /instances/{instance_key}/groups/{group_id}/lock | Set group locked. |
OpenapiClient::GroupManagementApi | set_group_name | PUT /instances/{instance_key}/groups/{group_id}/name | Set group name. |
OpenapiClient::GroupManagementApi | set_group_picture | PUT /instances/{instance_key}/groups/{group_id}/profile-pic | Set group picture. |
OpenapiClient::InstanceApi | change_webhook_url | PUT /instances/{instance_key}/webhook | Change Webhook url. |
OpenapiClient::InstanceApi | create_instance | POST /instances/create | Creates a new instance key. |
OpenapiClient::InstanceApi | delete_instance | DELETE /instances/{instance_key}/delete | Delete Instance. |
OpenapiClient::InstanceApi | get_contacts | GET /instances/{instance_key}/contacts | Get contacts. |
OpenapiClient::InstanceApi | get_instance | GET /instances/{instance_key}/ | Get Instance. |
OpenapiClient::InstanceApi | get_qr_code | GET /instances/{instance_key}/qrcode | Get QrCode. |
OpenapiClient::InstanceApi | list_instances | GET /instances/list | Get all instances. |
OpenapiClient::InstanceApi | logout_instance | DELETE /instances/{instance_key}/logout | Logout Instance. |
OpenapiClient::MessageSendingApi | send_audio | POST /instances/{instance_key}/send/audio | Send raw audio. |
OpenapiClient::MessageSendingApi | send_button_message | POST /instances/{instance_key}/send/buttons | Send a button message. |
OpenapiClient::MessageSendingApi | send_button_with_media | POST /instances/{instance_key}/send/button-media | Send a button message with a media header. |
OpenapiClient::MessageSendingApi | send_contact | POST /instances/{instance_key}/send/contact | Send a contact message. |
OpenapiClient::MessageSendingApi | send_document | POST /instances/{instance_key}/send/document | Send raw document. |
OpenapiClient::MessageSendingApi | send_group_invite | POST /instances/{instance_key}/send/group-invite | Send a group invite message |
OpenapiClient::MessageSendingApi | send_image | POST /instances/{instance_key}/send/image | Send raw image. |
OpenapiClient::MessageSendingApi | send_list_message | POST /instances/{instance_key}/send/list | Send a List message. |
OpenapiClient::MessageSendingApi | send_location | POST /instances/{instance_key}/send/location | Send a location message. |
OpenapiClient::MessageSendingApi | send_media_message | POST /instances/{instance_key}/send/media | Send a media message. |
OpenapiClient::MessageSendingApi | send_poll_message | POST /instances/{instance_key}/send/poll | Send a Poll message. |
OpenapiClient::MessageSendingApi | send_template | POST /instances/{instance_key}/send/template | Send a template message. |
OpenapiClient::MessageSendingApi | send_template_with_media | POST /instances/{instance_key}/send/template-media | Send a template message with media. |
OpenapiClient::MessageSendingApi | send_text_message | POST /instances/{instance_key}/send/text | Send a text message. |
OpenapiClient::MessageSendingApi | send_video | POST /instances/{instance_key}/send/video | Send raw video. |
OpenapiClient::MessageSendingApi | upload_media | POST /instances/{instance_key}/send/upload | Upload media. |
OpenapiClient::MessageSendingApi | upload_media_from_url | POST /instances/{instance_key}/send/upload-url | Upload media from url. |
OpenapiClient::MiscellaneousApi | download_media | POST /instances/{instance_key}/misc/download | Download media |
OpenapiClient::MiscellaneousApi | get_profile_pic | GET /instances/{instance_key}/misc/profile-pic | Get profile pic. |
OpenapiClient::MiscellaneousApi | get_users_info | POST /instances/{instance_key}/misc/user-info | Fetches the users info. |
OpenapiClient::MiscellaneousApi | set_chat_presence | POST /instances/{instance_key}/misc/chat-presence | Set chat presence |
OpenapiClient::MiscellaneousApi | update_profile_pic | PUT /instances/{instance_key}/misc/profile-pic | Update profile picture |
- OpenapiClient::APIResponse
- OpenapiClient::ButtonMessagePayload
- OpenapiClient::ButtonMessageWithMediaPayload
- OpenapiClient::ContactMessagePayload
- OpenapiClient::ContactMessagePayloadVcard
- OpenapiClient::CreateInstancePayload
- OpenapiClient::FileUpload
- OpenapiClient::GroupCreatePayload
- OpenapiClient::GroupInviteMessagePayload
- OpenapiClient::GroupUpdateDescriptionPayload
- OpenapiClient::GroupUpdateNamePayload
- OpenapiClient::GroupUpdateParticipantsPayload
- OpenapiClient::ListItem
- OpenapiClient::ListMessagePayload
- OpenapiClient::ListSection
- OpenapiClient::LocationMessagePayload
- OpenapiClient::LocationMessagePayloadLocation
- OpenapiClient::PaymentRequestPayload
- OpenapiClient::PollMessagePayload
- OpenapiClient::ReplyButton
- OpenapiClient::SendAudioRequest
- OpenapiClient::SendDocumentRequest
- OpenapiClient::SendMediaPayload
- OpenapiClient::SendVideoRequest
- OpenapiClient::SetGroupPictureRequest
- OpenapiClient::TemplateButton
- OpenapiClient::TemplateButtonPayload
- OpenapiClient::TemplateButtonWithMediaPayload
- OpenapiClient::TextMessage
- OpenapiClient::UpdateProfilePicRequest
- OpenapiClient::UploadMediaRequest
- OpenapiClient::UrlMediaUploadPayload
- OpenapiClient::UserInfoPayload
- OpenapiClient::WebhookPayload
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header