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Tower Defense

Simple tower defense game.

Graphics assets

Graphics and sounds by Matt. Nathan created the Lego builds that were used for the assets. I took pictures of the ships and used the iPhone foreground cutting tool and some recoloration to create the spites. Then I shrunk them down to appropriate size.


Creep1 Creep2 Creep3 Creep4

SuperCreep (Multiplayer)

SuperCreep (Multiplayer)






  • Towers can shoot and have health equal to their ammo.
    • When ammo or health runs out it disappears.
    • Players have a budget and can place towers with a mouse click
    • Players can select different kinds of towers with different effects (melee, ranged, AOE)
  • Creeps spawn and move down the lane towards the base.
    • When a creep runs into a tower it lowers tower health by some ammount.
    • Or ranged creeps can fire from a distance
    • When a tower shoots a creep it lowers creep health
    • When creep health runs out it disappers
  • Base is at end of lane and has health
  • Single player to see how long you can go
    • Tracks score and level
  • Multi-player
    • Against computer to see who lasts longer
    • Against another player over network

Game Play

  • In Battle
    • P or Spacebar to pause
    • R to reset game
    • Mouse left click to place a tower
    • H to heal a tower under the cursor
    • U to upgrade a tower under the cursor, max 4 upgrades
    • '+' or '-' to adjust game speed
    • S to toggle sounds
    • Q to quit
  • Title screen
    • Click Start Game or press Spacebar to start
    • Click Game Options to configure
      • Server or client connections
      • Debug mode
      • Grid lines
  • Display
    • F for full screen
    • L to display grid lines (10x10 cells)
    • D to display debug info including range indicators and targeting lines

Title Screen

Title Screen



Viewer Mode

Viewer mode


  • Collect, print and store game statistics
  • Pass thru debug flag to renderers
  • Collision detection for creep movement, creeps stop when running into a tower
    • Restrict creep and tower spawn on existing objects or partially off the board
  • Make player base more resilient
  • Bugs
    • Fix positioning of creeps when they run into something to make sure they're right up against it
    • Fix creeps on edge of base not attacking
    • Don't let creeps overlap each other, stack on top
      • Creep bouncing when on top of 2 creeps
    • Towers shoot down when trying to lead a creep that will block on them
  • Create a no place zone up top for towers
  • Game screen options
    • Press some key to start
    • Add UI for configuring game options (server, client, debug, gridlines)
    • Choose options for game difficulty
      • Add input for tower level in game options
      • Computer player options
    • Sound options
      • Implement game difficulty
    • Set other options
      • debug, range circles, etc
  • Multiple tower types
    • Player selects types
    • Multi-shot
    • Blocking only
    • Bigger vs smaller
    • Upgradeable
    • Bullets slow creeps
    • Refresh tower health for % of initial cost
  • Let mouse clicks heal and upgrade towers, right click or double click
  • Bullets expire after traveling range + X
    • Special bullets could create spots on the ground that will slow, damage, or annoy creeps
  • Levels
    • More powerful creeps
    • Money generates over time
    • Power up towers
  • Base can shoot back
  • Tower art
    • Do a flash when tower is upgraded or healed
    • Do a flash when tower is placed
    • Explosion when tower is destroyed
  • Creep art
    • Do a flash when creep spawns
    • Explosion when creep is destroyed
  • Highlight tower under mouse cursor
  • Multiple creep types
  • Click to place towers
  • Spawn creeps and move towards base
  • Budget for towers, or cooldowns
  • Towers attack creeps
    • Show bullets
    • Fix cooldown
  • Show text for health and cooldown of towers and creeps
  • Creeps attack towers
  • Add money on creep death
  • Scores
    • save high scores
  • Stretch
    • Computer players
      • Additional strategies
    • Networking players, possibly using leap-fish/necs
      • Send extra creeps to other player
      • Pick different types of creep to send
    • Simulation for testing
    • Play simulated network opponent

Remote viewer

  • Make the current game update and draw into scenes
    • Start scene
    • Game scene
    • Game viewer
      • Try sending events out and have them represented in the game viewer
      • Make side by side view in single window before breaking out into separate running app
      • It could share draw logic with the main game scene but need it's own update which will just read the state off the event system
      • Once we have events populating the viewer we can add networking and everything will just work

Network play

Things to send over network: Position, Health, Creep, Player, Tower, Bullet (and render), Game.highScore, Attack (mainly for cooldown, also debug info), Sprite renders (maybe just image name), gameover/paused status


Basic tower defense game written in go






No releases published
