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2D graphics 🖌️
2D graphics :paintbrush:
Involves tweaking/adding 2D arts
3D graphics 📐
3D graphics :triangular_ruler:
Involves tweaking/adding 3D models
Involves artifacts
auto-generated ⚙️
auto-generated :gear:
A part of PR is generated by script
balance ⚖️
balance :balance_scale:
Involves changing balance
bug 🐛
bug :bug:
This issue reports a bug
bug fix 🔨
bug fix :hammer:
This pull request supposes bug fixes
can't fix ❌
can't fix :x:
Not fixable bug
cartography 🌐
cartography 🌐
Involves working in the map editor
character designing 😶
character designing 😶
Involves tweaking DNAs or either ethnicities or charactes
cultural 🎓
cultural :mortar_board:
Involves cultural mechanics
documentation 📖
documentation :book:
Involves tweaking/adding documentation
doubtful ❓
doubtful :question:
Doubtful/impossible suggestion that requires revision
good first issue
good first issue
A good and easy issue to start with
good first testing 🧪
good first testing 🧪
A good and easy PR to start testing with
history 👑
history 👑
Involves changing history
info needed 📄
info needed :page_facing_up:
An issue lacks information
interface 👁‍🗨
interface 👁‍🗨
Involves game interface
localisation - german 📄
localisation - german :page_facing_up:
This issue or pull request supposes changes to German localization
localisation 📄
localisation :page_facing_up:
This issue or pull request supposes localization changes
lore 📚
lore :books:
Comes from lore
magic ✨
magic ✨
Involves the magic system
maintenance 🔧
maintenance :wrench:
Involves code refactoring that doesn't affect game
new feature ⭐
new feature :star:
Involves adding new feature that affects game
paradox bug 🔥
paradox bug 🔥
A vanilla bug thus we will leave its fixing to Paradox
Involves improving performance
priority critical ❗
priority critical :exclamation:
Shows priority
priority high ❗
priority high :exclamation:
Shows priority
priority low ❕
priority low :grey_exclamation:
Shows priority
priority medium ❕
priority medium :grey_exclamation:
Shows priority