Create Django app for a working python script to convert XML to four DDL RDBS schemas: MSSQ, MySQL, SQLite, and PostGreSQL
*The app is not ready, its in progress. You still can use the scripts_original using the Command prompt
I will deploy the app later on Amazon Web Service
Helpful guide
Here is the front end of how the App should roughly look like. I built it in WxFormBuilder Version 3.5.1-RC1 but we it needs to be re-built in an html editor for a Django online app. See the wx files here
Before you start, run the app on your local machine and verify that it works as described
Open the CMD Terminal Windows>Start>Accessories>CMD
First navigate to the folder where all the Python script resides stay the same directory of C:\Users\AdelMabdallah\Desktop cd Desktop cd DDL
Edit the name of XML Schema in the python file and the default schema name For example: input_file = WaMDaMMay2_2017 default_schema = WaMDaMMay2_2017
Change the text in "" that will print out the name of the schema and metadata in each DDL file
% Execute this command line at the CMD terminal while still at the directory above % copy and past this line after you change thee WaM-DAM.xml name below -d all -x WaMDaMMay2_2017.xml -o wamdam_ddl
the Pythos script should build four DDL schemas.......done
A GUI and executable to support creating a Data Definition Language (DDL) or Structured Query Language (SQL) “create statements” to create blank databases for MySQL, MS SQL Server, SQLite, and PostgreSQL Adel Abdallah, March 14, 2017
Input: eXtensible Markup Language (XML) file of the database schema
A call function
It calls and it passes the xml schema through a browser to it with an option to create the output for one of all four database systems -d all -x WaMDaMAugust19_2015.xml -o wamdam_ddl
Add the option to the GUI to allow creating sequential primary keys or not
Add the option to choose the name of the output files (show default, allow editing)
Given the option to edit a default commented text in each output file
other options?
Validation checks
- Check if the provided file is an xml schema
- Return any error message provided by the DDL in a window
- Give a message of successful creation of the database schemas