This is a GNSS School whose main purpose is to provide fundamental information regarding GNSS algorithms and satellite positioning.
- Characterization of GNSS Signals
- GNSS Open Source Software
- GNSS and Geodesy Datasets
- Current Satellite Systems
- GNSS Tutorials
- Using Machine Learning in GNSS
- UNAVCO - UNAVCO Geodetic Data
- CDDIS - NASA's Archive of Space Geodesy Data
++++ >>>> REPRO3 - TUG - Graz University of Technology (TUG) repro3 products
- WHU - Wuhan University Data Center
- iGMAS - iGMAS Innovation Application Center
- GSSC - ESA GNSS Science Support Centre
- Australian Space Weather - Australian Space Weather Services
- Geoscience Australia - Geoscience Australia, a public organization
- BKG - Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy
- USGS - US Department of the Interior
- BIGF - NERC British Isles continuous GNSS Facility
- NGS - National Geodetic Survey
- EUREF - EUREF Permanent GNSS Network
- NCEDC - Northern California Earthquake Data Center.
- GOP - GOP data center for near real-time GPS analysis (Now part of EUREF)
- ICGC - Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya
- CHAIN - Canadian High Arctic Ionospheric Network
- GeoDAF - Geodetic Data Archiving Facility
- ROB - Royal Observatory of Belgium GNSS Research Group
- AFREF - The African Geodetic Reference Frame
- GeoNet - GeoNet Geological hazard information for New Zealand
- IBGE - Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica
- PANGA - Pacific Northwest Geodetic Array
- DPGA - Dutch Permanent GNSS Array
- Arecibo Observatory - Arecibo Observatory
- GNSS Tutorials
- VMF dataset: Refer to miscellaneousGnssIssues repository