- Web App and backend for Flutter App
- The idea of this app to post Notes and can share it with others and can edit , delete the notes
- Two factor authentication
- sessions recorder and access to logout from other sessions
- change profile picture
- Contain translation manager
- Multi garde Auth API
- Authorization with policies with frontend(blade) and backend to edit and delete user's notes
- HTTP filter with middleware
- Mailer to invitation and reset password
- Input validation
- Login, register , show sessions and logout via API
- Access to data with authenticated API
- Laravel 9 , PHP 8.2
- Mysql DB
- composer
- Fortify
- jetstream
- Laravel translation manager
- Sanctum
The users can see there notes and can edit and delete it , but just can see other users notes without access to edit or delete it
If the user try to delete or edit note refer to other user , 403 error with actor from polices atomizations
If the user try to delete or edit note refer to other user , 403 error with actor from middleware atomizations
Login validation