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Token Pool Service

1. Introduction

The current Token Regeneration process between two OAuth2 secured entities (Hub-GW, Hub-Hub, etc.) is maintained by the two entities exchanging access tokens and the tokens being refreshed at predefined intervals where the regeneration is done only at the instance of failure. This leads to the unavailability window during the time it takes to refresh on failure. So this Token Pool Service is designed to overcome the above described scenario.

This service will have a pool of tokens in the hub, per GW, which has the ability for continuous monitoring of token pool to refresh any token that has an expiration time closer to or above the token refresh interval.

2. System Requirements

  • Java SE Development Kit 1.8
  • Apache Maven 3.0.x
  • MySQL (5.6.5+)

To build the product from the source distribution both JDK and Apache Maven are required.

No need to install Maven if you install by downloading and extracting the binary distribution (as recommended for most users) instead of building from the source code.

3. Install

2.1 Database Setup

MySQL Server’s time zone setting should be set to UTC time zone as ‘+00:00'

The database script relevant for this service can be found at /dbscripts folder.

If the token pool Database is going to be set-up for the first time then refer the sql script with the name of baseline.sql

If the existing token pool Database is going to be used then refer the sql script with name of migration upgrade version.

DB can be created through running the script which in result will create schema named ‘token_service’ with four tables included namely ‘tstevent’,’tsttoken’,'tstemail' and ’tsxevent’.

2.2 Metadata

DB consists mainly of owner, token details with event tracking and notification email addresses. The description for each attribute can be found at  /design/ERD_doc.pdf

2.2.1 Owner :

In a scenario of “Hub” needs to trigger api calls at operator it need to have a valid operator generated access-token/refresh token at hub. Then using the above access token hub can trigger southbound /operator apis.In this scenario the “who” is operator name.

One owner can have only one valid token per each tokenauth in ‘tsttoken’ table.

There should be at least one record in ‘tsxwho’ table in order to start this server. Or otherwise the server will terminate along with exception throwing namely “Unable to start the server. TPS0006:No Valid token owner defined at the db” Attribute definitions:

defaultconnectionresettime: Token release time once the token issued from the token pool

Sample Insertion SQL:

“ INSERT INTO `tsxwho` (`ownerid`, `tokenurl`, `defaultconnectionresettime`, `isvalid`, `reattmptcount`, `retrymax`, `retrydelay` ) VALUES ('owner2', 'https://localhost:8243/token', '4000', 1, <re-attmpt count>, <re-try max>, <re-try delay>);”

2.2.2 token :

All exsisting token need to insert into the "tsttoken".

Sample Insertion SQL:

“ insert into tsttoken ( tsxwhodid, tokenauth, tokenvalidity, accesstoken, refreshtoken , isvalid ) values (<owner did>, <tokenauth>, <validity period in ml>, <access token>, <refresh token >,1);”

2.2.3 Notification Email Addresses :

If the notification emails needs to be sent when having wrong credentials or server connection lost, then the email addresses to which the notifications should be sent needs to be added againt respective owner in to the tstemail table.

Sample Insertion SQL:

“ insert into tstemail ( idtstemail, tsxwhodid, tstmailaddr) values (<email did>, <owner did>, <email address>);”

2.3 Configuration Setup

Folder path: /deploy/config.yml

2.3.1 Database Configuration

user: database username password: database password url: url for database driver, by default jdbc:mysql://localhost/token_service

2.3.2 Server Configuration

  • applicationConnectors: A set of connectors which will handle application requests.

  • adminConnectors: A set of connectors which will handle admin requests.

  • port: TCP/IP port on which to listen for incoming connections. Built-in default is an HTTP connector listening on port 8181, override if needed

  • bindHost: The hostname to bind to.

2.3.3 Log Configuration

  • Level:

Logback logging level. ‘INFO’ Designates informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level.

  • Loggers:

io.dropwizard for INFO

com.wso2telco for DEBUG

  • Appenders:

Locations to where the logging messages should be displayed or written

-- type: Console / File

-- threshold: The lowest level of events to print to the console/ write to the file.

-- timeZone: The time zone to which event timestamps will be converted.

-- target: The name of the standard stream to which events will be written. Can be stdout or stderr.

-- currentLogFilename: The filename where current events are logged.

-- archive: Whether or not to archive old events in separate files.

-- archivedLogFilenamePattern: Required if archive is true.The filename pattern for archived files.%d is replaced with the date in yyyy-MM-dd format, and the fact that it ends with.gz indicates the file will be gzipped as it’s archived.Likewise, filename patterns which end in .zip will be filled as they are archived.

-- archivedFileCount: The number of archived files to keep. Must be between 1 and 50.

-- logFormat: Logback pattern with which events will be formatted.  

2.3.4 Email Notification Configuration:

  • port: Standard SMTP port

  • username: Username of the Email

  • password: Password of the Email

  • isStarttlsEnable: Enable or disable starttls

  • host: Host address of the Email

  • isAuth: SMTP authentication enble or disable

  • from: Which email address used for send emails

2.3.5 Others:

  • waitingTimeForToken: Maximum waiting time to obtain a token from the pool in milliseconds. Default value is 200 ms

  • retryAttempt:   Number of attempts for getting a valid token

  • isMaster: true #server mode (master/slave) This is a master instance which has both read & write operations with DB. It can be changed false so that it will be slave instance with read only permission.

  • tokenReadretrAttempts: Number of retry attempts for waiting to get valid token Used only in slave mode

  • tokenReadretrAfter: Number of ms read db for valid token ,default is 1 min. Used only in slave mode

  • refreshWakeUpLeadTime: The lead time to trigger Token refresh process  before its default validity period expires Default value is 5000 ms

  • retryResponseCodes: Default retry happens on connection lost and invalid credentials apart from that retry happens according to this response codes.

4. Build the Service

Run the following Maven command. This will create the fat jar token-pool-service-x.x.x.jar in the target directory.

mvn clean install

This fat jar is a jar file that contains token pool microservice as well as all its dependencies.

5. Run the Service

In order to get the service up and running, execute the following command.

java -jar target/token-pool-service-x.x.x.jar server deploy/config.yml

6. Features

6.1 APIs with cURL Testing:

  • GET:


curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" "http://<host>:<port>/tokenservice/<ownerID>"

API to retrieve a valid access token of a particular owner by passing the associated owner id

  • PUT:


curl -X PUT "http://<host>:<port>/tokenservice/restart/<ownerId>"

This will restart the pool for a particular owner

  • PUT:


curl -X PUT "http://<host>:<port>/tokenservice/refresh/<ownerId>/<tokenID>"

This will enable the regeneration process of access token using the existing refresh token for a given owner

6.2 Swagger Annotations:

Swagger is a standard, language-agnostic interface to REST APIs which allows both humans and computers to discover and understand the capabilities of the service without access to source code, documentation, or through network traffic inspection.

In order to retrieve Swagger definitions of this microservice, go to http://<host>:<port>/swagger?path=<service_base_path>.

For example http://localhost:8181/swagger?path=tokenservice  in default configuration.

6.3 Email Notifications

Email notification is generated according to the configurations when have wrong credentials and server connection lost.

With this feature able to configure maximum retry attempts as well as time duration within two retry attempts.

Email will be generated each retry attempt and once maximum retry limit reached.

Configured mail address(es) will be received all mails generated.

Emails send using 3 different subject, and email body give the error description and application details :

  • [Token Generation Failed]- Error occurs while connecting to "operator name"
  • [Token Genaration Failed]- Error Code : "response code" in "operator name"
  • [Token Generation Failed]- Invalid Credentials in "operator name"

7 Limitations

HA not supported. Only single master node allowed to start.