A joint project between the Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center and Allegheny Land Trust
To better inform land use decisions and ownership considerations ALT is developing an intersectional analysis of parcel status of the Greater Pittsburgh Region, with a focus on key regional initiatives. Urban greening is a multi-benefit solution to many of the issues facing the region, such as landslides, water management and combined sewer overflows; which have arisen from inappropriate development and poor and aging infrastructure. This “Urban Greenprint” will emphasize greenspaces as solutions, recognizing that all forms of urban greening can positively contribute to the overall health and benefit of the area. The Greenprint will guide ALT, policy makers, and the community on the best uses of parcels to improve comprehensive regional planning and decision-making.
- The Urban Greenprint project is a full partnership between Allegheny Land Trust and the Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center.
- We (ALT and WPRDC) have worked together to obtain the datasets for this project
- This is now a "living" project which will update and evolve over time. You can view the code and submit issues at the Github Repository.
You can spin up your own copy of this tool if you'd like to develop your own version or work on some of our issues.
Follow these steps to install your own copy:
Clone this repo to your computer.
git clone
Navigate to the project director
cd green-dream
Install the dependencies
npm install
Run the development server. This will allow you to preview the app at http://localhost:3000
npm run start
To build a production copy
npm run build
After building, everything you'll need to deploy the app will be located at .../green-dream/build/
- React - web framework used
- Create React App - used for building and development
Backend data services are hosted on
- Geomancer - for retrieving geographic information
- Property API - for retrieving parcel and region data from WPRDC
- Carto - serves map data
Urban Greenprint uses open data hosted on the WPRDC.