This full-stack review covers the technologies and concepts you've learned at DevMountain. Below you will find a list of packages and resources you will use in your project setup.
To pass a Personal Project plan off, you will need to:
- Have a project idea and MVP(minimum viable product)
- Create a point plan based on the personal project rubric
- Create a database schema
- Create a component tree
- Create project wireframes
- - Website to help build db schema's
- - Website to help build db schema's
- Adobe XD - Program to build wireframes
- - Program to build wireframes
- express - framework for Node.js
- massive - package to connect server to db
- express-session - package to handle user sessions
- bcryptjs - package to install passwords
- redux - used to create a redux store
- react-redux - used to connect redux with react
- axios - used to make http requests
- react-router-dom - used to set up routing