We have modified the kernel to read section headers of ELF files and look for a specific header. If found, the kernel will attempt to run a module that alters program behavior based on the contents of the section header found in the elf file.
Please check kernel/README.md to see how our modification works with a new section and a new module.
Please give permissions to run the bash script chmod u+x rt_kernel_analysis.sh
Usage: ./rt_kernel_analysis.sh [-h (help)] [-n program name] [-t type (rt | non-rt)]
- h flag will echo the Usage string
- n flag will assign the program name to run the rt-kernel analysis
- t flag will assign the type of the kernel to be either rt or non-rt
The following executions will be made:
- Error handle user input and validate if program is in rt-kernel
- ftrace graph
- ftrace functions
- strace table
- strace timestamp
- perf context switching
- perf cache profiling
- python data_reduction.py
The output of each trace function will be output to either non-rt/logfiles or rt/logfiles. The python script will read from those directories and store the created csv files into non-rt/python-output or rt/python-output.
- Get kernel module working with modded kernel.
- Possibly read data from the python-output file.
- Incorporate assembly code analysis using
perf annotate --stdio > perf_assembly.txt
Please consider if you're kernel is running real-time or non-real-time and push into the respected folder called logfiles
After inserting log files into the respected logfiles folder, please run this command:
python data_reduction.py -i rt/logfiles -s pi_stress -o rt/python-output
python data_reduction.py -i non-rt/logfiles -s pi_stress -o non-rt/python-output
The output csv files will be created in the folder python-output
- Statistical analysis on data frames created
- Refactor into Object-Orientated Design
If these issues arise, please notify in github issues or on discord.
- Our strace output file is missing process id
- The timestamp log file may contain errors that the data_reduction.py does not recognize