This repo provides a reference implementation of CausalRD: A Causal View of Rumor Detection via Eliminating Popularity and Conformity Biases
python 3.7
pytorch 1.8.1
pytorch_geometric 1.7.0
bert-as-service 1.10.0
We use the raw data in debias phase and pre-processed data released by Bi-GCN in inference phase. You can download the raw data and move it to ./CausalRD_debias/data/
- Preprocessing
We first leverage bert-as-service to get the embeddings of source tweets. We use BERT-Base (uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12) as the bert model. Please download it from above link and unzip it to bert/, create bert-as-service server and run the client.
pip install bert-serving-server # server
pip install bert-serving-client # client, independent of `bert-serving-server`
bert-serving-start -model_dir ./CasualRD/CausalRD_debias/bert/uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/ -num_worker=4
python ./CasualRD/CausalRD_debias/bert/
- Structral Negative Sampling
We then generate positive and negative samples by Structral Negative Sampling strategy.
python ./CausalRD/CausalRD_debias/
- Optimizing
python ./CausalRD/CausalRD_debias/ --dataset twitter15 --n_layers 7
This will generate a directory ./graph/, move it to ./CausalRD/CausalRD_inference/data/Twitter15
create "Twitter15graph" folder and "Twitter16graph" folder in the ./CausalRD_inference/data folder
python ./CausalRD/CausalRD_inference/Process/ Twitter15
python ./CausalRD/CausalRD_inference/ --datasetname Twitter15 --weight_decay 0.0001 --iteration 100 --lr 0.0005