A simple tool for exporting from a PostGIS table to Zipped QField datasets. Assumes Python 3.6+,
are already installed and in your PATH
You can install using pip by requirements.txt as follow.
pip install -r requirements.txt
The tool was designed for RWSS department of WASAC in Rwanda.
To export table administrative boundary
and water pipeline network
from database rwss_assets
as user user
to zipped QField datasets:
Before running the script, kindly check the database settings at command line parameters.
python postgis2qfield.py -d yourdatabase -H localhost -p 5432 -u user -w securePassword
If you want to filter only specific dictricts, use -l
parameter to list ID of district by comma(,)
python postgis2qfield.py -l 51,52,53
cp .env.example .env
vi .env # modify database connection settings.
docker-compose up
The data will be generated under data
This script was developed by Jin IGARASHI, JICA Expert
from The Project for Strengthening Operation and Maintenance of Rural Water Supply Systems in Rwanda- RWASOM