This project aims at the synthetic generation of new Pokemon (GANkemon). The network used is a Progressive Generative Adversarial Network.
Here are some examples of our results:
Game Assets Dump
Bulbapedia - scraped top 10 images from bulbapedia for every Pokemon and manually cleaned the Dataset
Base Dataset:
- Pokemon - Image dataset
2D Assets:
The Complete Pokemon Images Data Set
Pokemon Images Dataset
Game Assets Dump
All Assets:
Pokemon - Image dataset
The Complete Pokemon Images Data Set
Pokemon Images Dataset
Game Assets Dump
Inception Score (IS) - measures quality based on quality of generations and their diversity
Fréchet Inception Distance (FID)
- uses the Inception Network to extract features and calucates FID based on them
- is sensitive to mode collapse
- more robust to noise than IS
- better measurement for image diversity
- FID between training and test set should be zero, since both real images (not valid for batches of train)
- Lower FID values mean better image quality and diversity
Wasserstein Distance
SSIM Metric