🏓React components to create responsive sortable tables
See the component storybook
1.Install the component
yarn add sort-table-react
npm install --save sort-table-react
- Import and use the component
import Table from 'sort-table-react';
const DummyWrapper = props => (
// add some props here as follows....
Headers should be an array of objects where:
- message is the headers label
- target is the name of the table content field that it will sort by clicking that header. if you dont whant a specific header to not sort any column just set target to
const headers = [
message: 'Name',
target: 'name',
}, {
message: 'surname',
target: 'surname',
}, {
message: 'nickname',
target: 'nickname',
}, {
message: 'age',
target: 'age',
}, {
message: '',
target: null,
The content prop is an array of objects that should have an id and any other number of key value pairs.
The key is the one that the Header
should match and sort.
const tableContent = [
{ id: 1, name: 'Alex', surname: 'Cejudo', nickname: 'Grana', age: 21 },
{ id: 2, name: 'Alberto', surname: 'Villar', nickname: 'Vilva', age: 1 },
{ id: 3, name: 'Carlos', surname: 'Perez', nickname: 'Jimeno0', age: 26 },
{ id: 4, name: 'Alfonso', surname: 'Huescar', nickname: 'Sito', age: 210 },
- You can also specify a
key with a component to do some actions I found it usefull to add delete, edit & overview actions...etc
const Actions = props => (
<button onClick={() => console.log({ id: props.id })} >Print {props.id}</button>
const tableContent = [
{ id: 1, name: 'Alex', surname: 'Cejudo', nickname: 'Grana', age: 21, Actions: <Actions id={1} /> },
{ id: 2, name: 'Alberto', surname: 'Villar', nickname: 'Vilva', age: 1, Actions: <Actions id={2} /> },
{ id: 3, name: 'Carlos', surname: 'Perez', nickname: 'Jimeno0', age: 26, Actions: <Actions id={3} /> },
{ id: 4, name: 'Alfonso', surname: 'Huescar', nickname: 'Sito', age: 210, Actions: <Actions id={4} /> },
Just a string to specify what field should be the sort target field on the component first rendering