#Diferences between NoSQL and SQL. 1_NoSQL is known to be a non relational database management system (DBMS) which does not need a fixed schema,no links and has an easy scaling method. While SQL database is strictly or mainly a relational database.
2_ NoSQL databases are being scaled horizontallyally. Whereas, SQL database are scaled vertically.
3_ NoSQL databases may be documented with key_ Value pairs, graph databases,etc. While SQL databases are drawn from tables.
4_ NoSQL databases uses a dynamic schema for unstructured data while SQL databases uses a predefined schema.
5_ Examples of NoSQL databases includes MongoDB, Redid,Neo4j, Cassandra, Hbase, etc. While examples of SQL databases are Oracle, postgres, Microsoft SQL, etc.
6_ NoSQL is mostly used when the data accuracy is not necessary rather a fast growing data is needed. While SQL is mostly used when the validity of data is a necessity.