It's a short program to make CSV translation process more easy. You will be able to translate selected columns from your CSV file. Its using DeepL API (so you need your DeepL key).
Example of using:
at = ApiTranslator(api_key= 'y', target_lang="PL", source_lang="EN")
tr = at.translate_csv_file(filename= "prods.csv" , columns = ["Name", "Description"], index_col = "SKU")
Program will open your CSV file and save new text (translated data via DeepL) based on provided name list eg.:
columns = ["Name", "Description"]
Remember to use column with indexes eg.:
index_col = "SKU"
In tested case SKU was an internal product code (string type).
After execute program, there will be created a new file named out.csv with the sam indexes as a result.