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Innoloft FrontEnd Task

This is my Solution to Innoloft Frontend Developer Challenge.

I have tried to fulfill all the below mentioned requirements.

I have also hosted the project for better understanding and accessibility

Live Website Link

For Running the Project :

  1. Clone the project.
  2. Install the dependencies.
        npm install
  3. Run the project.
        npm run dev
  4. The project will be runnning successfully.


Your task is to create a new dashboard with which you will be displaying and editing product information.

First you have to setup the main dashboard with the main structure:

This structure will be the same on all pages.


The dashboard should have at least three pages. The main page, the view of the product and the editing of the product.

Mockups (Figma)

Note: This is just an example. There is no need to have it exactly like in the mockup. But it's highly recommended.

Main (/)

It's not required that the main page has any content. But it should be the default page on the root path /.

Product View (/product)

The product view should be used to display the single product information and should contain following elements:

  • Main Section
    • Image
    • Title
    • Type
    • Description
  • Details Section
    • Technologies/Categories
    • Business Models
    • TRL
    • Investment Effort / Cost
  • Video Section
  • User info should contain:
    • Image
    • Name
    • Company Name
  • Map should display company address of the product

Product Edit (/product/edit)

It should be possible to change the description, edit the attributes as well as add new ones. The categories and business-models should be editable with a simple text input and the TRL with a dropdown. For editing the description follow the WYSIWYG methodology.
When saving the product a PUT request has to be made to the API. Please keep in mind that the API itself will not save your request.


In this step you will have to apply different configurations to the dashboard. Here you will have to add environment variables (f.e. with a .env file). Depending on the APP_ID environment variable. If no .env file is given, make sure to add a fallback to APP_ID=1. A configuration will look like this:

  "id": 1,
  "logo": "",
  "mainColor": "#272e71",
  "hasUserSection": true

With the api call /configuration/:appId/ you get the configuration for your APP_ID. Possible appIds are 1 and 2.

  • In case hasUserSection: false - hide the user info section on the right.
  • Apply main color to header and other elements to your taste


In the task you will need to fetch some data from an API. The API base url is
Please use exactly these endpoints:

  • Product
    • GET /product/6781/
    • PUT /product/6781/
  • TRL List
    • GET /trl/
  • APP Configuration
    • GET /configuration/:appId/

You can also download the Postman collections.
Note: If you have CORS issues, there must be something wrong on your end. Check the exact paths again.

Technical Requirements

The application should at the very least use the following:

  • JavaScript or TypeScript
  • React.js
  • Redux
  • Tailwind CSS
  • (optional) Form handler (f.e. react-hook-form)
  • (Optional) Linter
  • (Optional) Prettier

Also make sure that the dashboard is responsive and works on mobile devices - TailwindCSS should help you here.


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