Create template powered reports (e.g. Changelogs) from Jira issues.
Also find the plugin at
Template Engine
Add this plugin to your project and use the task type de.virtimo.task.JiraReport
plugins {
id "de.virtimo.jira-report" version "1.0.0"
serverUrl = ""
jiraProject = "FOO"
fields = "*all"
templateParams = [foo: "bar"]
append = false
jql = "fixVersion = \"1.0.0\" ORDER BY priority DESC, key ASC"
destination = file("docs/changelog.adoc")
templateFile = file("docs/changelog-template.ftl")
Add a Freemarker Template ( to docs/changelog-template.ftl. The fetched issues list is available as "issues" in the template. If a templateParams map is passed, it is accessible via "params".
Example for an AsciiDoc formatted changelog
= Changelog
== ${}
=== Breaking Changes
<#list issues?filter(i -> i.fields.labels?seq_contains("BreakingChange")) as issue>
* [[${issue.key}]]${issue.key} - ${issue.fields.summary}
=== Issues
<#list issues) as issue>
* [[${issue.key}]]${issue.key} - ${issue.fields.summary}
> gradlew changelog [email protected] -Ppassword=helloworld
Please open an issue or create a PR.
This plugin includes some basic tests on static data.
./gradlew check
You also can check against Jira by passing username, password and serverUrl as project params.
./gradlew check [email protected] -Ppassword=helloworld -Pserver=