The aim of the project is to classify between -3 & 3 the negativity / positivity of a tweet. Using a large dataset of 50k samples labeled between -1 & 1, we train a model for a transfer learning. With only 3k samples of labeled data between -3 & 3, we achieve a descent accuracy.
>>> from TweetSentimentAnalysis import TweetSA
Using TensorFlow backend.
>>> tsa = TweetSA()
>>> tsa.predict("I'm still feeling some type of way about Viserion. #GameOfThrones #crying")
(-1, 'Slightly negative emotional state')
>>> tsa.predict("It's a good morning today and I'm feeling lively 😊 #goodmorning #happy #lively")
(3, 'Very positive emotional state')
>>> tsa.predict("Pound has dropped despite #UK #Govt proposals. #dropped 😤")
(-3, 'Very negative emotional state')
Word2vecs can be found at this url: